Day 27

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"I just can't stay mad at you."

Styles: Morning Lou! xx

Styles: Louuuuu

Styles: L

Styles: O

Styles: U

Styles: I

Styles: S
Read 10:34 a.m.

Tommo : harry love, please shut up

Tommo : sorry that was harsh but i've really got the worst hangover headache and that buzzin from me phones a problem

Styles: Oh, I forgot. I'm sorry! Are you well? Is Zayn with you?

Tommo : yea but really i will text you later when i've had some ibuprofen and food. okay?

Styles: Alright. Sorry, hope you feel better. x
Read 10:46 a.m.

Tommo : alright. i'm well enough now.
Read 2:04 p.m.

Styles: Took you long enough.

Tommo : yea. hey are you alright? i thought id wake up to you angry with me. we didn't really end last night on a good note.

Styles: Oh no, I just can't stay mad at you. That's all..

Styles: But anyways, how's Zayn? He told me last night he met you at the bar and then texted me at 2 saying he loves liam and chicken nuggets and i assumed it was a fun night.

Tommo : worse off than me. He and Liam took an uber after breakfast and he was vomiting out my doorstep. 🤮

Styles: Oooh, emojis tommo. 🙀

Styles: Guess I should text him. But how are you? Feeling alright?

Tommo : Splendid. 😊🤩👍🏻✨

Styles: OMG! Really?! Emoji's and all!?

Tommo : no.

Styles: Gosh, Louis. You're no fun. 😿👎🏻

Tommo : haha. how are you h? having a good morning?

Styles: Yeah. Something has made me so happy today. I really can't stop smiling.

Tommo : adorable. what's got you in a great mood?

Styles: Not too sure. But I know that i'm happy and that's all that matters, right?

Tommo : of course. that's all that matters. :)

━━━━ ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ━━━━

Lima: Hey. Dan's on his way. Are u sure about this?

Lou: yea. no worries. i'll text you updates. love u 😘🤪

Lima: Please be careful. I'm serious. Love u too mate.

━━━━ ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ━━━━

Styles: Thanks. Got any plans today?

Tommo : yeah actually meeting up with a friend in a bit. you?

Styles: Other than studying, nope.

Tommo : aw. sucks. i'll text you when i'm done, yeah?

Styles: Of course! Take your time and have fun!

Tommo : thanks??? haha. talk later then h x

Styles: Bye Lou! 😇✨
Read 2:35 p.m.


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