Chapter 38

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I apologize for the wait, I've been busy but here it is 

I hope it was worth the 3-month wait 

Don't forget to comment, and vote :) 


"Louis, are you sure your parents are going to like me?" I ask nervously. I know absolutely nothing about his family, and the only interaction I have had with them was a few short facetime calls that happened while Louis and I were hanging out.

"Love, they aren't going to like you," Louis says, and I look at him with a serious look. "They are going to love you," He says, interlacing our fingers.

We are currently in the back seat of a cab on the way to his parent's house. Since it's approximately a three-hour drive from London to Doncaster, Jonah is watching a show on Louis's phone since he's the only one on an international plan.

"Momma, are you and Louis dating?" Jonah says looking over at me and Louis. Clearly, Jonah has caught on so I will have to have a conversation with this child at some point.

"No baby, Louis and I are not dating," I say leaning down, placing a gentle kiss on the top of the head. "We can talk about it later," I say knowing that he is only going to temporarily drop this.

"But Louis said –" Jonah says, starting to say something but then his eyes widen as if he wasn't supposed to say anything.

"What did Louis say?" I ask instantly looking over at Louis who is signaling Jonah to be quiet.

"Nothing you need to be worried about love," Louis says, winking at me.

"Obviously it's something I should worry about," I say knowing that my boys have a secret that they are not sharing.

"Babe, just trust me, okay?" he says leaning in, trying to lean in to kiss me. However, I push back knowing that Jonah is with us.

"Louis, you know how I get," I say whispering to Louis, looking at him. "I'm going to get anxious," I say trying to get him to spill the secret he and Jonah have.

"Nice try," he says. "That secret is between me and Jonah," Louis says, pretending to zip his lips indicating that he is not sharing this secret with me.

"Momma, it's a good secret! Don't worry" Jonah says giggling to himself then turning back to the show he is watching.

"Ace, give Louis his phone back so he can get in contact with his family," I say placing my hand out so the boy can hand me the phone.

"But momma-" Jonah says, trying to argue with me.

"Jonah," I say sternly trying to indicate that I am serious about him giving the phone back.

"Babe, it's okay," Louis says moving his hand from my hand to my knee. He moves closer to me and I can feel his breath on my neck. "Besides, if he's distracted it gives us time for this," Louis says kissing my neck softly.

"Louis," I say sternly to him. "I really do want him taking advantage of you," I say whisper trying to show Louis how serious I am.

"Genevieve, he's really not taking advantage of me," Louis says trying to defend his relationship with Jonah.

"Louis, please," I say giving him another look that tells him I didn't want to discuss this around Jonah. "Jonah, give me the phone," I say laying my hand out again so he can hand me the phone. Fortunately, Jonah listens this time, pouting as he hands the phone over.

"But momma what am I going to do?" Jonah says, trying to get me to cave, but I stand firm in my answer, by handing him a book that I packed in his backpack.

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