I'll let you figure it out on your own.


"Hey, is it alright if I ask you questions about hero things that you've done?" he asked in an inquisitive tone, quite similar as to how Midoriya does.

I nodded my head, "Sure, go for it. What would you like to know?"

He got a little excited once he heard that I was alright with it, then began to think of something. "Do you work with other heroes quite often? If so, are those heroes the same each time?"

I took a second to recall things that I have done before answering, "I most of the time work alone unless I get called into a mission or on a sporadic call, which even when I get called in on short notice, I tend to work alone. When I do work with others, they tend to be the same heroes, but then again it depends on the district that we're dealing with and the mission." I chuckled as I added, "I'm sort of back up since I can do mostly everything, so I get called into things that are quite difficult for single quirk heroes. I also sometimes serve as protection, which I don't mind."

"Interesting..." he then paused before asking another question, "Do you ever get sick of being a hero? I mean, you've been a hero ever since you were young, so I imagine that you've seen and been through plenty." he then got embarrassed, "Sorry, you don't have to answer that! It's a stupid question! How insensitive of me!"

I waved a hand, "It's alright." then thought of an explanation, "I personally don't get tired of being a hero, really. The only time I get tired is when I'm up really late and get little sleep due to hero duty and on a mission and being called in all in one day; but even then I don't think, 'Man, what was I thinking when I chose this path of life?'...I just fall asleep on the sofa while I'm still in my hero costume and go on as if nothing happened. Stuff like that is quite normal once you get used to it."

"It sounds hard." he remarked.

"At first...but then it gets worked into your routine and you don't notice it anymore." I added.

He then said, "I'm sorry if I am asking questions that are stupid; it's not everyday that you get to have a normal conversation with a hero, let alone the youngest and number one hero."

I smiled as I looked up to him since he's taller than me, "It's quite alright. It's not everyday that I get to talk about what heroes do- er well, what I do. All people see is what we do, but they don't think about how we go about a situation. There are many rules and regulations that we have to go by to ensure everyone's safety while dealing with a villain or criminal. Due to that, we have to consider those as we come up with a plan to deal with that said criminal or villain, which limits what we can do."

"Wow..." he said in a highly interested tone as he looked down to me, then back up as he went on, "even I, who works on things to help protect everyone and who has watched a lot of videos of heroes in action, I haven't thought about that. It makes me appreciate it more what you guys do."

"It's nothing, really." I said as I got embarrassed about going on and on about something like that.

Shortly later we made it to David Shield's office. Chikao knocked on the door before we went in. Once we were in, David turned from his computer and stood up from the swivel chair, "Blank, it's wonderful to see you again!" then asked as he walked towards us, "How have you been?"

"I've been doing alright; how about you?" I asked in return.

"Same here." he replied with a smile, then said, "Well, I take it that Chikao here has said a lot. He's quite a chatterbox."

"Sort of; I felt like I did a lot of talking too though." I said as I gave a smile.

He laughed, "Well, that's good. By the way, he'll also be helping me make your new hero costume."

Heroes Need Saving Too (BNHAxReader)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें