Chapter 19

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BEEN SO LONG SINCE THE LAST UPDATE, so maybe go back and reread the last chapter if need be,
Enjoy x

"And here we are" Harry's voice is low as we enter the main meal tent. Before entering, I thought that we must have been just going to eat as we usually would; the tent full of men and loud chatter. Though upon entering I notice complete and utter silence and a candle lit glow  from multiple candles situated around the tent. In the middle of the tent is a table set for two and there is a single rose placed in the middle of it.

I'm at a loss for words, "...Wow... what's the special occasion? Anyone would that this was a marriage proposal" I lightly laugh and Harry chuckles too but it sounds forced and stiff.

"Like I said, we are celebrating tonight." Harry leads me to the table and pulls my chair out for me, motioning for me to sit, "For once you have successfully completed a job that has been asked of you, and, I received some very thrilling news today".

Once I am seated I watch Harry place my crutches against the tent wall and lower himself onto his own seat across from me. My eyes scan the tent and I think back to Ethan's letter and how he told me he thought the horse stables were too risky. Instead, he believes behind this VERY meal tent will be a safer location for us to meet?
What are the chances that Harry has insisted on a one-on-one dinner date at this exact location on the night of my meeting with Ethan?
That man truly has the worst timing.

"What thrilling news would that be?" I ask as I am finally snapped from my thoughts, picking up the rose and twirling it between my fingers. Stupidly, I forget that roses have thorns and as I spin the flower I prick my finger, dropping the rose immediately and gasping. I watch as a small pool of blood builds on my finger and watch as Harry swiftly reaches out to grab my hand. He examines it thoughtfully and then, to my surprise, places my finger in his mouth and sucks softly, never once removing eye contact with me.

"What the... Ew Harry, why would you do that?" My face scrunches up in disgust but he doesn't bat an eyelash as he lowers my hand back down to the table without expression or a word.

"Are you hungry?" He changes the subject, not so subtly sliding by my question. I hate when he does that.
My stomach rumbles in response and I let out an embarrassed laugh as Harry's mouth curves up into a smirk.

"Starved" I say.

"Well what are we waiting for? Ladies" Harry's voice becomes louder and almost instantly, three girls walk into the tent, trays of food impressively balanced on their arms. I notice one of the girls to be Cecelia, and my eyes shift away from hers as she lowers her eyes at me and seems to scowl.

"I hope you like Gourmet" Harry says as the girls place the dishes in front of us and lift up the lids. Steam escapes almost instantly and a delicious smell engulfs the tent, causing my stomach to grumble once again.

Harry chuckles at this and then gestures towards the dish,
"Help yourself".

Harry begins to pour some type of dark liquid, which I'm assuming is a wine of some sort, into two cups and then slides one in front of me, nodding encouragingly. I hesitantly reach out and pick up the glass, bringing it to my nose and smelling.
I immediately pull the glass away from my nose and feel my face scrunch up into a sour expression, a small cough escaping my lips.

"Oh I forgot you haven't had much experience with alcohol" Harry's sarcastic voice fills the tent and I lower my eyes at him, "It's red wine for a very special occasion, not poison... Give it a go".
Harry raises his glass up and encourages me to do the same. I copy his motion and then bring it to my lips, tipping my head back and feeling the liquid wash down my throat. Once finishing it all, I slam the glass back down onto the table and exhale loudly, squeezing my eyes shut as I feel the burning sensation fill me.

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