Justus and Ragnar's face fell with worry for they had no explanation for this as certainly the boy was in danger; while Marden and Richard were smirking for they had turned the tables against Callan.

Garrick finally looked into Einar's eyes. I know these are serious allegations but if there is any chance that there is truth in what they are saying then we must...

Einar cut short Garrick as his nose was assaulted with a familiar but an unwelcomed scent. He flared his nostrils to put a finger on it. Do you smell that?

Smell what?  Garrick could smell no different and was clueless about what his friend was saying.


The atmosphere in the room changed as Einar's locket glowed the brightest it had ever been. Einar knew whose red matter he smelled and he or his beasts were not liking it at all. He growled powerfully and broke the doors to head out in a hurry leaving behind astonished and fearful faces.

The scent was leading him to the open field and was growing stronger. He changed into his large black wolf and charged with force towards the open field.

The sight in there was the one he dreaded the most. His mate was defending himself against a group of five ferals. What caught his eye though was the injured arm which was oozing blood and had drenched the man in its liquid. 

All he saw was Red.

He growled and jumped right above Callan taking his first victim who was near his mate. He chewed his neck and threw him at a distance with a greater force. The other ferals looked in horror and made a dash for their life. Unfortunately they had been surrounded by guards covering the open field whereas some onlookers had also gathered to witness the event.

The ferals seemingly thought that it would be good surrendering to the guards to keep themselves safe. They ran towards the guards to get caught intentionally.

When the guards were about to apprehend them; Einar growled.

No one touches them. THEY ARE MINE.

The guards retreated. Seeing that there is no root to escape the ferals ran helter skelter around the field to delay the inevitable.

Einar ferociously grabbed the ferals one by one and relieved them of their misery. It was pure monstrosity the way he attacked those wolves. Everyone around bowed their head in respect and fear when Einar growled.

With blood dripping through his canines Einar's sole attention was directed towards his mate. He saw Callans injury and became even more furious for he failed to protect him.

Einar with his eyes set on Callan's shoulder started approaching him. Though he was angry at himself, his aura radiated his emotion which affected the entire field; except Callan.

The onlookers including Ragnar and Justus were alarmed with the sudden mood change of the going to be Alpha. They feared the worst for their beloved boy as he was reaching Callan. It looked as if Einar was ready to kill Callan.

 Einar was inches away from his mate when he heard familiar footsteps.

"No.. wait." Rosaline made it quick to stand in front of Callan and shielded him "Please don't hurt him..!" 

Realisation struck in. Analysing the situation Einar thought it was best to leave this place. He growled once again and sprinted towards the deep woods against the will of his wolf. He needed some time to cool off.

Garrick was baffled with the abrupt behaviour of Einar which has been going on for days now. something is definitely wrong with Einar.  he thought

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