I heard a loud boom and the ground between us started crack. A large boulder lifted itself from the ground before breaking off into smaller pieces. Those pieces were going to do some damage if they landed on their intended targets. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. Today wasn't as humid as the other days so the air was much drier. I couldn't exactly bust the pipes in the ground to get water either. We actually needed those.

Before I could even finish thinking through my plan, the giant boulder started glowing a bright golden color before exploding. I went flying back several feet and before hitting the ground and rolling.

When I got up I was covered in mud from the explosion.

"Couldn't have left me out of the cross fire?" I asked sarcastically, earning a sheepish shrug in response.

I was completely grossed out. Not only was I covered in mud, but it was swarming with earth worms and only god knows what else. When I tried wiping it off of myself all it did was smear and make it worse. I could have slapped Myra.

My irritation grew when my head jerked forward from yet another flying object pelting me from behind. Before I could completely recover, all I could see was a large shape charging towards me. It flew through the air and the only thing I could do was try to dodge it and put my hands up to protect my face. When I did so, I heard that ever familiar flowing sound that comes with moving water.

I'd subconsciously manipulated the moisture in the mud and managed to stop Jason in his tracks. I knew I couldn't revel in my victory for long though. Quickly, I forced him to the ground and pinned him there using my power. Then I turned and ran. I knew that I couldn't hold Jason down for long, so I had to get as far away as I could.

"Hey! Daisy Lynn!" it was a very loud whispered.

"Over here," Myra waved me over.

"We need a plan. You're covered in muck and that jerk thought he could get the best of me. We need to put him back in his place," she said.

"What do you suppose we do?" I asked. Fighting wasn't my expertise.

"You can pin him down with your power. If you freeze the water against him then it'll take him longer to break free than if you just use water. Then I'll either blast the crap out of him or drain him of his energy. Which ever one is more feasible in the moment," she replied.

I nodded. Jason wasn't going to make this easy. He'd be able to read our minds, but if we were fast enough it wouldn't matter.

"Let's go," she said and started running.

I did my best to keep up. When we got to where Jason had last been he was nowhere to be seen. Great.

I made sure to survey the land. I refused to stand still and get hit again. For extra protection I formed an ice shield on my arms. Myra gave me a small nod and her hands began to glow again. I could hear the electricity as sparks wave through her hands. She meant business and I couldn't blame her.

"Duck!" she shouted. I dropped to the ground immediately and she simultaneously blasted whatever it was that was going to hit me. I rolled over just in time to see Jason flying through the air. As quickly as I could, I got up so that I could pin him down.

Right when I was about to reach him I felt an invisible force shove me back. It dazed me and I fell on my butt. When I tried to get up I couldn't. Jason wiped himself off as he got up.

I couldn't move my arms to manipulate the water around me. It frustrated me. I could always use my power freely and this was the first time since discovering it that I couldn't use it. It felt like there was an elephant sitting on my chest and I couldn't breathe. Now that I had my power, not being able to use it was unnatural and it felt like it was slowly killing me.

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