Chapter 30

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Hunter left shortly after and said he'd be back tomorrow. I went in my room to pack my bag. I made sure it was light like how he told me and mainly packed clothes. Anything else would be a waste. 

As I got ready for bed, I thought about Myra. She seemed distant when we got back and she hadn't been that way when I'd first seen her. I couldn't imagine what was wrong, so I went to go check on her. 

When I got to her bedroom door, I gently knocked on it. I didn't hear a response, but I pushed open the door just to be sure. Myra was standing in front of her window, staring out into the darkness. Even from the doorway I could see a faint glow in her eyes. 

"Myra?" I asked. 

 Her fists clenched. 

 "Don't," she said harshly.

A dark chuckle sounded in the room. 

 "You're the one who was captured and hurt. You shouldn't be checking on me. You should be resting and I should be checking on you," she said lowly. 

 Before I could even thinking of what to say she started speaking again. 

 "You know what I don't get? Why everyone follows that tyrant's every command. Why they bow down and act like subservient slaves," she let out a humorless chuckle. 

"What are you talking about?" I asked confused and concerned. 

"What price do you pay for loyalty? Love? Freedom?" she asked. 

 I wanted to ask her where all of this was coming from, but I didn't. Instead I thought about what she asked. 

"Each of those things are priceless, but they still cost you none the less. All of them could potentially cost you your life - and it has for many people." 

She was silent. I took a deep breath. 

"Does loyalty, love and freedom cost you your life because that's what you feel or is it because someone else is willing to kill you because of those three things?" I asked. 

It was a question I didn't know the answer to, but I knew she didn't either. Myra shook her head. Everything felt so different now. There was a rift between us from whatever was bothering her. I had no idea where it came from, but I wasn't going to push it. 

 "Everyone bows down to the Supreme's authority like she's some all powerful goddess. Like she's better than the rest of us, when we all know her mother pushed her out of her ass just like my mother did, your mother did and anyone else walking on this goddamn planet did. What makes her so deserving?" Myra asked, her eyes looked wild. 

"I guess it's all a matter of perception. None of my interactions with her made me think that she deserved it per se. But we don't know the entire story either. I wouldn't exactly call her a tyrant." 

"What would you call her?"

I knew that my encounters with the Supreme were most likely one of a kind, or very rare at the least. She didn't seem like tyrant, but I knew if you stepped out of line the punishments were harsh. She entrusted the Court members on many decisions, so I wasn't sure if calling her a dictator was quite right either.

I shrugged my shoulders. 

"She's the Supreme. I don't think there's really another word for it other than what she calls herself," I said. 

"And as a result everyone else has to call her that and bow down to her every command." 

"But her rules are in place to protect us all." 

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