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Your just too good to be true , can't take my eyes off of you, you feel like heaven to touch, I wanna hold you so much.
Lauryn Hill
Can't take my eyes off of you

I smiled to myself as I walked towards Nae's car . Jaz was a cute stud. Standing about 6'4 she was lightskin with a head full of hair and pretty ass teeth. I hopped in the car and rolled my eyes at Nae who sat there with a dumbass Kool aid grin on her face.
"What bitch"
"Soooo what she say " I rolled my eyes at her nosy ass.
"Nothing. She said I looked mean & then I cut the conversation short saying I had to change my shoes" I replied as Nae looked at me as if I had two heads. I laughed slightly at her reaction.
"Girl you playing too much. If I liked bitches I would jump on her face. That's one fine ass stud" she said as she finally pulled off.
I rolled my eyes at her statement. Once upon a time Nae did actually experiment with girls. Around the same time I started too as a matter of fact. However she couldn't deal with how emotional females are or the drama that came with them . She failed to realize that these aren't niggas. They are emotional just as we are and so she just decided she wouldn't deal with it. Me on the other hand I love females. I like the drama and feelings that come with being with a girl. I feel as though it keeps my otherwise boring life interesting. I tuned back in to what Nae was saying.
"Yup put this pussy on her sideburns " she said as I laughed at her foolishness. Finally we pulled up to Mama Pearl's house. Mama Pearl is Nae's mother. Grabbing the duffle bag out of the backseat I opened up my door and got out the car. Walking into the house I smelt the faint aroma of chocolate.
"Mama where you at" Nae yelled walking into the house after me.
"Girl you must've lost your everlasting mind yelling in my house like that" we heard Mama reply from the kitchen. Walking into the kitchen I noticed the beautiful cake and cupcakes sitting on the countertop as Mama watched cupcake wars on the television and mixed up something in a bowl. My mouth begins to water as I imagine how those cupcakes and cake tasted.
"Mama what you in here cooking up ." I asked as I reached for a cupcake. She turned around and popped my handing making me wince and draw my hand back.
"Those are lemon cupcakes with whip cream frosting which I will top some of them with fresh strawberries and others with sprinkles. And the cake is a lemon cake with cream cheese frosting . Don't touch none of it. It's for the church not y'all fat behinds" Me and Nae sighed.
"Mama you always cooking for the church" Nae said as I nodded my head in agreement. It was true mama only baked from scratch for the church fundraisers , Sunday dinners , and other important events dealing with the church. However unless it was a cookout or a family reunion she baked box cakes for us.
"Girl mind the business that pays you. God ain't never led me wrong so I will pay him back in any way I feel necessary" I shook my head at her and turned around and headed towards Nae's bedroom. I huffed as I plopped down on her bead. Nae came waltzing in behind me and snatched her wig off. I laughed and then grabbed my clothes out of the duffle bag and began slipping off the dress I had on. After snapping on the leotard I looked at Nae who just stared at me.
"You must wanna eat my pussy" I said as she mugged me and rolled her eyes.
"Why would you ever wear a leotard. Now when its time to shake some ass you gonna be having to unbutton it & then the flaps gonna hang out your pants like a tail" she said with a disgusted look on her face.
"Who said I'm gonna be shaking ass. "
"You always say that and you always end up shaking ass"she spoke as she went into her closet . She came out with a chocolate brown bandeau shirt.
"Here bitch put this on instead. 'cause Lord knows I hate that tail shit" I took the shirt out of her hand and laughed at her foolishness. After getting completely dressed we walked downstairs and left out. My phone vibrated in my back pocket so I looked to see who was calling. Looking to see it was Quan calling I rolled my eyes and answered the phone.
"Where the hell is y'all at , the party getting started with out y'all" he yelled into the phone sounding like he was already drunk.
"We on our way we had to change"
"Ugh , females and their precious clothes . Ight man come on" I rolled my eyes as he hung up. Getting into the car Nae hurried and sped to the club. Pulling up to the club I checked myself in my camera and applied another coat of lip gloss. Getting out the car we walked to the front of the line ignoring the glares and side comments of the people in line. I walked up to the bouncer who happened to be a good friend of ours named Ted.
"If it isn't my favorite girls" he said while hugging both me and Ahnae.
"Gon' head in , Quan up top in the V.I.P section. Tell him I said happy birthday" We smiled and nodded at him. Walking into the club there was a stripper on the main stage upside down on the pole. Spotting Quan in our section me and Nae made our way up their.
"We'll look who finally made an appearance" He said while still throwing money at the stripper in front of us. In this section there was a mini stage with seats around it for us to enjoy the stripper & there was a table with bottles on it. I sat down beside him as I rolled my eyes and began throwing my money at the stripper. Feeling someone staring at me I looked up and surely enough my eyes were met with Jaz's. She smirked at me and sent a wink my way. I rolled my eyes to myself and lowly smiled reaching over Quan to make me a drink. I was determined to get fucked up and enjoy Quans birthday with him .
Jaz P.O.V
I smirked as I watched TJ pour her 5th drink of tonight .I leaned back as the stripper got off the stage and started giving me a lap dance . Slapping the money on her ass I watched as TJ , Nae , and Kaily danced along to Bickenhead by Cardi B. Shaking my head I continued to watch them . Soon the song changed to The Rules by Reupreedy. TJ grabbed on to the rail and started twerking as Nae and Kaily hyped her up while singing along.
"Damn they always like this" I leaned over and asked Quan as he laughed and shook his head.
"Nae yes but TJ is usually mean and closed off. It's nice to see her have fun and let loose every once in a while" he spoke as he watched Nae start twerking along with TJ. I smiled at him as he stared at her in adoration.
"Damn you still feeling lil Nae from the way huh" I said to him as he shook his head.
"I mean of course but I don't want to fuck up our relationship or hurt her. I enjoy being a hoe so I'mma just fall back" he said as I shook my head and began staring at TJ again . She had stopped twerking and just kept singing the lyrics loudly
"Number 9 don't pay them petty bitches no mind , talking bout your nigga want 'em you know hoes be lying ." she said while stumbling around. I got up and made my way over to her to speak. I leaned up and whispered in her ear.
"Damn you having a ball ain't you" She slightly jumped as she turned around to face me .
"You scared me, you can't just be walking up on people like that" she said while giggling. She was clearly tipsy. I gave her a once over . She sported a brown top and some black distressed jeans. On her feet were some white low top air Force ones. She looked good. The pants seemed to have made her butt look bigger than it already was.
"Come sit with me " I told her as I grabbed her hand and tried to lead her to her seat. Seeing there was a lightskin girl sitting there I simply made my way pass her as I heard TJ speak from behind me.
"Um excuse me that's my seat" she said while mugging the girl.
"Well I'm sitting here now. The floor is always available" the lightskin girl replied. Quan got up and made his way in between them before TJ could reply.
"Can we not. Please I just wanna enjoy my birthday. " TJ rolled her eyes and continued walking with me. I sat down and pulled her into my lap. Noticing her leg was shaking I spoke to her.
"Chill it ain't that serious " I said while rubbing her leg that was shaking. She politely moved my hand and got up to make another drink. She came back and sat back on my lap as we watched the stripper dance on the pole.
"You good ?" Ahnae spoke while walking up to us with Kaily following her. TJ slightly nodded her head while getting up . I grabbed her wrist .
"Damn you don't wanna chill with a nigga. " I said as she laughed.
"I just wanna dance with my girls. I'll be back" she said while continuing to walk off. I sat back down before Quan returned back to his seat beside me.
"Wassup with her and lil bobblehead" I asked him while nodding my head at lil lightskin. He laughed at my statement and then shook his head
"Man I don't even know , they just can't get along and always end up fighting" he said as I nodded my head. Soon She Bad by Cardi B blared through the speakers and I watched as Tj passed Ahnae her cupped. She walked up to the stripper that was on the pole and whispered something in her hair making the stripper shake her head and step off the stage. TJ slipped out of her shoes and then stepped on the stage. She soon began dancing as if she was the stripper. She climbed up the pole and then leaned upside down with her legs in the air. She began shaking her ass as I began throwing money at her . Quan just laughed and began throwing money also.
"Yes bitch" Nae yelled while recording her on her phone. TJ laughed as she slid down the pole.

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