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Mama told me  it would rain but it's storming I got this chip on my shoulder forever
Rod wave
Chip on my shoulder


I cried again for what seemed to be the 50th time today as I sat infront of my best friends tombstone. Everyone was probably at the Airbnb getting sloppily drunk meanwhile here I was crying my heart out. I missed him so much. A simple conversation now turned to me crying as I sat alone in the graveyard. I looked down at the tombstone rubbing my fingers over it.
Ramses Elliot Miller
A beloved son and friend
Oct 24th 1999- Oct 23 2015

I smiled reading it to myself as I sung No love remix under my breath. It was his favorite song before he died and I vividly remember us singing it together.
"You know I hate it, when you leave me" I spoke my voice cracking as I sung to him.

"Cause you love it then you leave it but you know how bad I need it , you so fucking conceited why you coming over weeded" I rapped while pushing him as we walked to Nae's house. My headphones blasting loudly in my ears. He pushed me back making me stumble a bit as he laughed. I began rapping again pointing my fingers at him playfully just like nicki would do at her concerts.
"I know you hard I know that you a killer , I know you started off a dope dealer but let ya guards down ya niggas know you feel her, feel her so want you want baby" I spoke while lightly caressing his face.
"All I want is you so what you tryna do" he sung while wrapping an arm around my shoulder and winking at me making me roll my eyes as a playful mug made it's way into my face.
"Stop being gay" I spoke making him laugh before speaking.
"Don't you got a girlfriend" he asked me making me laugh while slapping his shoulder. Finally arriving at Nae's apartment building I made my way up the stairs with him following close behind me. He knocked twice before hearing a come in from the other side. We made our way into the house looking over at Ju and Quan who argued about some girl on Instagram.
"She fly bruh you can't even lie" Quan spoke making Ju shake his head with a laugh.
"No she is not my nigga" he replied.
"Dee be thinking any bitch with a bulls jersey and some Jordan's is fly" Nae spoke as Kaily applied some bright pink lipstick on her lips.
"I wish y'all shut up y'all always arguing" Remy spoke before going over and sitting on the couch. He grabbed the remote turning on Everybody hates Chris as I threw my bag down besides the door and made my way into the kitchen. I went into the cabinet before grabbing a bag of hot Cheetos and making my way back into the living room.
"Why y'all go to school today I could've sworn we all said we were skipping" Ju spoke up looking over at me as I sat down.
"Because I had a test today I told y'all let's skip tomorrow" I spoke while sitting on the couch next to Ju.
"So why you go" Quan asked Remy. Before he could open his mouth to speak Kaily answered for him.
"You know damn well he wasn't leaving TJ in that bitch by herself"
"Troi would've been there with her" Quan replied making me roll my eyes.
"Don't even say her name right now" I spoke up making Nae shake her head.
"What she do now"
"She was in school all day and ain't say shit to me not a text or nothing " I spoke making Ju suck his teeth.
"That's what you get for wanting to play with coochies instead of doing it the lords way" Ju said making me turn and look at him.
"Don't you sell drugs ?" I asked making him suck his teeth.
"She don't be complaining when she be getting free weed tho" Remy spoke up making Quan laugh. I blew a breath while looking over at him.
"I thought you was my best friend" I spoke making him laugh.
"You know I love you girl" he said making me smile.
"Love me enough to do my math homework " I questioned while batting my eyelashes .
"No" he spoke before laughing making me suck my teeth.
"I'm just playing" he spoke again before winking at me making me roll my eyes with a smile. 

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