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No lie girl when I tell you you a blessing, girl just let me make corrections yea damn I been stressing.
Bryson tiller
Let me explain


"Your cousin ?" TJ asked Jaz with furrowed eyebrows.
"Mhm" Jaz responded as she began grabbing two plates passing one to TJ. TJ stared at her face laughing a bit at how irritated she looked, it was clear she didn't too much care for her cousin. They finished getting their plates made before making their way back to the table they were at before. Nae now also sat at the table while Quan and Lyfe talked and Kaily sat on her phone. They looked up as Jaz sat down and pulled TJ into her lap making the rest of them smirk.
"Hey Jaz" Lyfe spoke making Jaz smile.
"Wassup lil gang" she spoke while doing some sort of handshake with her. Naes eyebrows furrowed before she just shook her head and began talking to TJ.
"Ma I'm gon Ms.Kee house " Lyfe spoke talking about Jaz's mother. Nae nodded before grabbing her hand and walking her in the house. There were other kids in there also being that she had a magician giving them a magic show.
"So what she say" Nae said as she sat back down making TJ raise an eyebrow.
"Who ?" She asked.
"Girl Troi" Kaily replied making Jaz chuckle.
"Wasn't talking bout shit" Jaz replied for TJ as she began eating her macaroni.
"How you know all these people I know but I never met you before" Jaz spoke.
"Me , Kaily and Ju was friends before I met Nae , Quan and Troi" TJ replied while steal eating.
"We grew up around Southeast together but we ain't meet Nae and them till we went to Dun for Highschool" Kaily finished making Jaz nod her head. That made sense she was one of the only people out of her family who instead of going to Dunbar for high school she went to Roosevelt. They sat and made small conversation until they heard a loud announcement come from the stage.
"Ladies please come to the front for the twerk contest , 1st place wins a cash prize of 1000$"
"Y'all we should do it" Nae spoke making Kaily shrug.
"I'm down" she spoke both of them now looking at TJ.
"Gonehead I'll double it if you win" Jaz spoke while pinching her thigh making TJ nod her head.
"And I got the 1000$ if either of y'all win" Quan spoke to Nae and Kaily. They all got up making their way to in front of the stage. Seeing all the women in the middle TJ shrugged while throwing her hair up in a bun as Jaz watched her intently. She gave Jaz her crossbody before listening to the man on stage.
"Here are the rules, the last ones twerking win" He spoke making them nod their head while stepping on the blue mat they had layed out. Nae smirked as Kicking flavors now blasted from the speakers. She looked over at TJ and Kaily who held the same look on their face. She bent over twerking slightly along with the both of them. As the beat dropped TJ dropped into a split while still twerking making the crowd go wild while watching them. Jaz raised an eyebrow while smirking at her. They then began showcasing their Megan knees as TJ came up from her split doing a slight bounce. By the end of the song the crowd was now only about twenty girls. Reedy's for that D freestyle played making Kaily smirk cause this was her song. She did a flip while landing her legs up on the bottom of the stage while twerking making the girls laugh as they kept twerking. She then got off the stage putting her knees on the ground while keeping a slight twerk going. The crowd was now down to the last 5 girls as Do it on the tip played. It was clear that the girls weren't giving up. Jaz laughed as she looked at Quan who was staring at Nae intently as she had now got on her neck. It was now only down to them before Nae dropped leaving it to Kaily and TJ. Play yo part now played as Kaily and TJ went head to head trying to see who was gonna win. TJ now did the crybaby as Kaily dropped into a split. It was clear the girls weren't letting up and the crowd watched intently. Unbeknownst to them Troi watched TJ from afar regretting leaving her those years back. TJ was no longer the chubby girl she was when they were in highschool. Kaily walked off the mat now tired meaning TJ had won first place.
"We have our top three winners, ladies please come on stage to collect your prizes." They walked on stage grabbing their prizes from the man before going back to their table. They each opened their envelopes and began counting.
"1000$ in straight twenties" TJ spoke first.
"500$" Kaily responded.
"300$ and a 100$ gift card for red lobster" Nae spoke up. TJ's eyebrows furrowed as a man came walking up to their table furiously. He grabbed Nae's arm making Quan stand up and pull his pants up.
"What the fuck" Nae spoke as he snatched her up our her chair.
"Nigga who the fuck is you" Quan spoke while eyeing the man. He ignored him and began yelling at Nae.
"You out here shaking your ass in niggas faces and shit" he spoke pulling Nae's arm making her wince. Everything seemed to move fast as Quan swung knocking the man down. They began fighting as TJ pulled Nae back from the fight checking to see if she was ok.
"You straight gang ?" She asked making her blow her breath and nod. Jaz had now pulled Quan off of dude and was focusing on getting him to calm down.
"This ain't over bitch" the man spoke while looking at Nae menacingly. Quan furrowed his eyebrows before telling Nae to go get Lyfe and go to his car. She nodded while walking off , soon as she was out of sight he pulled out his glock 19 aiming at the dudes forehead making Jaz stop in place and roll her eyes.
I'm just tryna vibe while high damn.
"Quan chill bro" Kaily spoke calmly although he didn't listen. Quan was battling with himself in his head, kill or not to kill. Unknown to him Nae had now came running back around the corner after putting Lyfe in his backseat. She walked up to him calmly before speaking.
"Dee it's not worth it" she spoke softly trying to calm him down. Kaily and TJ watched the scene from their seats with small smiles on their faces. Nae had always been able to calm him down when he got in his moments. She pulled him back as he still stared at the dude who lied on the floor with a mug plastered on his face. He turned and looked at her before looking back at the dude, he sucked his teeth before putting his gun back into his waistband and walking off.
"Watch your back bitch" the man spoke as he got off the ground.
"I'll call his ass back I suggest you shut the fuck up " she spoke while turning around.
"You 'Ight ?" Jaz questioned her while leaning up against her mothers house. Nae nodded her head while hugging TJ and Kaily.
"Stay safe" she spoke to them while walking to hug Jaz.
"Stay dangerous" they replied. She walked off heading towards Quans car. TJ blew out a breath before looking over at Jaz who was already staring at her.
"Well imma go , see you guys later." Kaily spoke before giving TJ a hug and waving at Jaz. After she walked off Jaz walked up to TJ pulling her into a hug.
"Why you hugging me ?" TJ asked looking up at her. Jaz shrugged while continuing to hug her. She honestly didn't know , she always felt the need to be touching TJ. Whether it was having a finger looped around hers or laying up under her she always had to be touching.
"Gimme kiss" Jaz spoke looking down at her with high eyes. TJ laughed a bit before standing on her tippy toes to meet her request. She pecked her lips a couple times before hugging her back.
"You ready to go ?" She spoke making TJ nod her head. They grabbed their plates throwing them into the nearest trash can before walking through Ms. Kieshas house. They told her that they were leaving before making their way to Jaz's Car.
"What time is it ?" TJ asked her while getting into the passenger side. Jaz picked up her phone looking at the time.
"5:30" she replied while looking over at her. She licked over her lips as TJ recorded herself on her phone. TJ shifted the phone showing the camera Jaz making her put up her middle finger before smiling.
"Let's go get the dog and go to a park" TJ spoke while looking over the video making Jaz nod her head before pulling off.
They walked into the house looking around for the dog. They both walked upstairs to Jaz's room seeing the dog sprawled out on her bed.
"Fuck no" Jaz spoke up making the dog jolt awake. TJ laughed before walking and picking him up off the bed.
"We need to change the sheets any damn way" TJ spoke while beginning to remove the sheets from the bed. Jaz went into her closet grabbing a comforter set off her top shelf. She threw it unto the empty bed while TJ left to put the sheets in the washer and dryer downstairs. She came walking back up the stairs as Jaz watched her intently.
"You staying here tonight" she asked her making TJ shake her head.
"I haven't slept in my own bed in forever " She spoke making Jaz shrug while walking over to her dresser. Her mood had dropped and TJ noticed it. She laughed to herself as Jaz grabbed a bag of weed out of her drawer. She threw it on the bed making TJ shake her head.
"You gon smoke yourself to death" she spoke making Jaz shrug. The dog walked up to TJ nudging the bottom of her leg wanting to be rubbed. She picked him up rubbing him as he relaxed under her touch.
"You ready to leave ?" Jaz asked making TJ nod her head while walking out of the room with the dog in her arms. Jaz grabbed the bag of weed off her bed before making her way out of the room also. She made her way out the house closing the door as she looked at TJ who was now taking pictures with the dog. Jaz shook her head before unlocking the doors and getting in the car. The radio played lowly in the background as she drove off.
"Don't forget you owe me a band" TJ spoke out of nowhere making Jaz smile while licking over her lips. She tossed TJ her phone before speaking.
"Send it to yourself" she spoke with a shrug making TJ rolls her eyes with a slight smile.
"What's your password"
"0000" she answered while pulling up into a gas station.
"You want something?" Jaz asked her. TJ thought for a minute to herself before answering.
"Imma come in with you" she spoke while unfastening her seatbelt . They left the windows cracked for the puppy while they made their way into the gas station. The group of niggas eyed TJ hungrily as the walked into the grocery store. Jaz sucked her teeth making TJ laugh as she began grabbing things.
"Wassup ?" She asked.
"Fuck all these niggas in your face for?" Jaz replied while looking around the store.
"Cause they got good taste I mean look at me" TJ replied while posing making Jaz laugh and pull her closer.
"I'll shoot this whole damn gas station up" she whispered in her ear making TJ blush. She shook her head before making her way to the counter with her arms full of snacks . She sat them on the counter before asking for two of the throw blankets he had behind the counter.
"Your total is 24.36" the cashier spoke while eyeing TJ. His eyes traveled down her body lustfully before he looked back up at her eyes.
"Add 30$ on pump 6" Jaz spoke slightly irritated. She had noticed him looking at TJ and honestly wanted to bash his head into the counter.
"54.36 " he spoke after adding the amount she payed for gas. Jaz went into her pocket throwing a crisp 100$ bill on the counter before grabbing the bags off the counter as the man counted the change and gave it to her. TJ began walking out ahead of her as the man stared at her. Jaz slapped her ass making TJ giggle as the man watched them leave, Jaz smirked in satisfaction. TJ sat in the car as Jaz put the bags in the backseat and pumped the gas. After she was done she got back into the car pulling off. When they finally arrived at the park it was going on 6:30 and they made it there just in time to catch the sun set. TJ grabbed one of the blankets placing it on the ground in the middle of the grass as the puppy ran around happy to be in the Nature. Jaz sat down beside her while pulling out her rolling materials making TJ laugh as she layed on her shoulder and watched the sun set.
"What you thinking about ?" Jaz asked her making her shrug. She grabbed a sheet from Jaz and her grinder beginning to roll a j herself.
"Ok big dawg" Jaz spoke as TJ began rolling. She shook her head while sprinkling the funnel into the weed as Jaz sealed hers.
"Can you go get the rest of the stuff out the car while I finish rolling this. " TJ asked making her nod her head. Jaz grabbed the rest of the bags from the car before making her way back over to TJ who had now began running the lighter over her jay. Jaz sat the bags down before removing the stuff from them and putting it on the blanket actually seeing what TJ grabbed. She looked over the assortment of candies before grabbing a Twix and opening it.
"Ian even grab that for you fat ass" TJ spoke making Jaz laugh and shrug.
"You want some ?" Jaz asked her making TJ shake her head before lighting and inhaling the jay. She let the smoke fill her lungs before she blew it out smiling at herself. Jaz stared at her intently as she looked at the now purple sky as the sun was almost completely hidden. The puppy came running up to them making Jaz smile before rubbing it. After a couple more hits TJ passed the jay to Jaz who took it happily. TJ grabbed her box of watermelon sour patches out of the bag before sitting in between Jaz's legs getting comfortable. She inhaled taking in the smell of the air around her. Jaz looked down at her taking in the feeling she felt right now hoping to save it forever. Peace.

This chapter was eenh😂😂😂😩 anyways y'all I'm stuck because I want to reread this book that I loved but I can't find it anywhere 😡 I think it was called pieces. Idk but 400 for the next update be blessed and stay dangerous.

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