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You the man up in these streets, but when it comes to my heart ?
that don't mean a thing no
It won't stop
Sevyn Streeter

I blew out a breath of air as I continued wrapping presents. It was now Christmas Eve and to say I was tired was an understatement. My schedule seemed to have been so packed lately with me moving and taking care of Lyfe & Kacy , but finally we were all moved in so I could focus on their gifts which i'm grateful I managed to order through all the chaos. Hearing a knock at my door I furrowed my eyebrows before getting up. Looking through the peephole I saw it was Kaily making me furrow my eyebrows. I unlocked the door before opening it and giving her a once over.
"Girl don't fucking look at me like that" she spoke mugging me back. I rolled my eyes before heading into the house her following behind me.
"I wasn't expecting any visitors today" I spoke while continuing to wrap my presents. Everybody had been over helping me move so I was enjoying my alone time while the girls were sleep.
"Take this pregnancy test with me I don't wanna take it alone" she spoke quickly making me nod and me furrow my brows.
"What ?" I spoke making her pull two pregnancy test out her purse.
"I don't be fucking on nothing to need a pregnancy test Reneé" I spoke calling her by her middle name.
Why would I need a pregnancy test and i be fuck plastic ?
"It's just for my comfort , i'm nervous man" She replied making me roll my eyes snatching a box out her hand before walking to my room bathroom.
"Thank You" She yelled as I shut my door. I was extremely irritated with her showing up here I had been with them all week basically.
Finishing my business I wrapped the test in paper towels before washing my hands. I walked back out of my room grabbing a plastic cup to put it in as I waited for the results. As I sat back down I continued wrapping gifts while Kaily made her way back out the bathroom.
"Damn I hope I got a good gift " she spoke making me roll my eyes.
"I should've got yo ass a coin pouch " I mumbled making her shake her head.
"Who'd you fuck ?" I asked making her laugh with a scoff.
"Girl nobody since halloween...but I haven't came on since then so I'm just checking. It'll probably be negative anyways." She spoke while leaning back. I eyed her seeing her pinky twitch a bit under her phone letting me know she was actually a bit nervous this time.
"You want some help" she asked making me shake my head. I enjoyed wrapping presents , the holiday season overall made me gitty. One day I wanted to experience a christmas like those on the hallmark movies. But until then I could at least make sure my babies had it. I had been ordering things to Ahnae's house all month. Since no one was there and I know Ahnae gave Lyfe the traditional Christmas experience I planned on hiding them there until christmas night. I asked Kash what him and Kacy usually do and he shrugged before telling me she usually stayed with his mom or her mom that day. I was definitely excited to giving Kacy a great Christmas.
The timer beeped letting me know it was time to check the test. I got up leaving Kaily sitting on the couch making her suck her teeth as she stomped behind me. I waited for her as I held her cup in my hand. She picked up my cup before we both counted to 3.
"Welp you safe " she spoke as my eyes widened at her test.
Two lines.
"Bitch, you pregnant" I spoke looking over at her.
"Stop Playing" She replied coming over to the side of the counter where I stood. She snatched the stick out my hand before a small cry escaped her lips. I pouted before pulling her into a hug as she started crying.
"I'm pregnant" she whined as I held my lips in
to control my laughter. I walked her over to the couch continuing to let her cry as she layed her head in my lap. I stroked her hair as I waited for the crying to die down a bit.
"What you gonna do sis" I asked as I continued holding her head. She shrugged making me shake my head and look down at her.
"You thinking bout keeping it?" I asked making her shrug again while sitting up.
"What will the dad say ?" I asked making her roll her eyes and scoff.
"Knowing him he prolly did this shit  on purpose." she spoke making me laugh before slapping my hand over my mouth. I giggled behind my hand as she mugged me not finding anything funny.
"Damn can't believe you slipped up" I spoke while she layed back on the couch , tears still managing to slip out.
"I thought I was just eating real good when I noticed the weight , a fucking baby though? Lord why me" she cried. I continued wrapping presents as she continued crying in her seat. Hearing footsteps I hurriedly threw a blanket over the unwrapped presents before looking up at the girls who just walked into the living room.
"Tt why you crying" Lyfe asked making Kacy furrow her eyebrows.
"Tt just got some bad news that's all" Kaily replied while wiping her face. I shook my head seeing how distraught she was after getting the news .
"Y'all go brush yall teeth so we can go get breakfast" I spoke making Lyfe nod before running off. Kacy stared at Kaily a lil bit more before smiling and running off.
"She act just like Kahsye when we were kids" she spoke while frowning her face up making me laugh.
"You done crying now" I asked making her nod as she wiped her face off. She pulled me into a hug before speaking.
"Thank You , I know you tired of us right now but still" she spoke making me roll my eyes before patting her back twice.
"Been doing it for years , why stop now" I replied
"Let me know if you need a fill in baby daddy" I spoke as she got up getting ready to leave.
"Girl you already got your hands full" she replied making me laugh. As she walked out the door I sat the wrapped presents up under the tree before running to check on the girls. Walking in their room I smiled at the small decorations I had them put up.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03 ⏰

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