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Cause lil shawty I got a crush on you, it feel like I'm falling in love with you can't none of these bitches get up with you, I fuck with you shawty I'm stuck with you
Crush on you


TJ frowned her face up as Jaz kissed all over it trying to wake her up.
"What time is it" she mumbled not wanting to breath her hot ass breath in Jazs face.
"10:30" she spoke making TJ nod. She got up not bothering to put on a shirt heading straight to the bathroom. Jaz smirked as she watched her walk into her bathroom. TJ looked at herself in the mirror feeling oddly rested before grabbing her toothbrush and starting to brush her teeth. After she finished she walked back into her room locking eyes with Jaz who licked over her jay sealing it. She rolled her eyes before going over to her dresser pulling out some clothes to put on. Finally deciding on an oversized sweatshirt and some biker shorts she grabbed her phone before going in the bathroom preparing to take a shower. Clicking on her pale colored playlist pumped up kicks played loudly from her sound bar as she got pulled off her boxers and got in the shower. Jaz began her wake and bake while nodding her head along to the music.
"All the other kids with the pumped up kicks you better run better run, outrun my gun" she sung along with a smile on her face as she smoked. They both woke up feeling great although choosing to ignore the blatant reason why. Jaz got up to go look for the dog as TJ continued her shower.
As she finished up she got out the shower wrapping her towel around herself  before grabbing her phone and going through her notifications. She went to Instagram seeing the many notifications she had on there. Seeing she was tagged in a picture she furrowed her eyebrows before clicking on the notification. Her jaw dropped as she looked at the picture of her and Jaz before she pouted holding in tears.
"What's wrong ?" Jaz spoke coming back into the room after walking the dog. TJ pouted even more before responding.
"You posted me" she spoke looking up at her making Jaz suck her teeth.
"I been posting you" she replied as she pulled her hair up into a ponytail while looking at herself in the mirror.
Damn I look good
"But the caption" TJ whined making Jaz shake her head with a slight smile. She thought about how much TJ had changed since they first met almost 9 months ago. She went from nonchalant and mean to her emotional crybaby and it made Jaz glad that she felt comfortable enough to be vulnerable around her.
"What about it ?" Jaz asked while looking at herself in the full body mirror.
Damn I need my hair done.
"You called me your peace" TJ spoke a couple tears escaping her eyes. She never had nobody really show her off or talk about her on the internet. Kahsye wasn't really the internet type and Troy just didn't like showing her off. Anybody else she talked too in between that were just because she was bored. And for Jaz to refer to her as peace really made TJ emotional .
"Yea so" Jaz spoke nonchalantly not really wanting to get into the conversation about her feelings right now. She turned looking at TJ who sat on the bed pouting while looking at the picture.
"I know you not crying" Jaz spoke making TJ nod before covering her face finally letting the tears spill out. Jaz laughed a bit before walking over to the bed and pulling her into a hug.
"What time is your first client ?" She asked making TJ look up and reply.
"11:30" she spoke making Jaz nod.
"Hurry up and get dressed cause it's 11:00 now and you need to eat and take your iron pill before you start" she spoke making TJ roll her eyes before grabbing her cocoa butter lotion. Ever since she told Jaz she was anemic a couple months ago when they were in the park she tried to make it a habit for her to take her iron pills. However she never wanted to. After moisturizing and sliding into her clothes she heard a knock on her door. Assuming it was her client she slid into her yeezy slides before going to unlock her door. Opening it she furrowed her eyebrows seeing Kahsye standing there with Kacy'Mae on his hip.
"Can you do me a favor ?" He asked making TJ roll her eyes before smiling.
"Wassup ?" She asked while taking Kacy'Mae from his arms.
"I need you to watch Kacy'Mae, just for today I would've asked Ma but she got work" he spoke making her nod before opening the door wider so he could bring in the bag. He walked in behind her as she smiled at Kacy'Mae who was playing in her hair while dozing off.
"Why you sound so stressed for ?" She asked while sitting down on her loveseat.
"Chyna ass moe, we usually switch out during the weeks , I have her for a week she have her for a week but she ain't came and got Kace in the last 4 weeks." He spoke while rubbing over his head. She furrowed her eyebrows before  rolling her eyes. She never did like Chyna but this was a whole new low for her. For her to leave her daughter with Kahsye was childish and irresponsible. Chyna was well aware that Kahsye had opps and was selling drugs so at anytime anything could happen while he had his daughter.
"Minnie your appointment he-oh" Jaz spoke while coming down the stairs making Kahsye and TJ's eyes shift over to her.
"Damn T you just said fuck the store runners and the big homies and went straight to the plug" Kahsye spoke before walking over to dap Jaz up making TJ furrow her eyebrows.
"I thought that was you yesterday" Jaz spoke while returning the favor. Kahsye often stopped by Jaz's warehouse to pickup product and distribute to his corner boys, she had some of the best gas in the tristate area.
"So how you two know eachother ?" Jaz asked as TJ got up from the couch placing a sleeping Kacy down on the couch.
"We grew up together" She replied making Kahsye roll his eyes.
"Yea this my heart for real" He spoke while throwing an arm around her making Jaz nod her head.
"Well, Minnie I'm bouta go handle something right quick FaceTime me when you take your pill" Jaz spoke making TJ nod her head before puckering her lips for a kiss. Jaz happily obliged quickly pecking her lips before making her way over to the door.
"And don't forget to eat something"
"Ok" TJ replied as she walked out the door. Her eyes shifted over to Kahsye who was already looking at her. She surveyed his outfit before speaking.
"Ok McQueen on the shoes, where my money at ?" she questioned playfully while holding out her hand. Kahsye immediately went into his pocket taking out a stack wrapped in a rubber band and placing it in her hand.
"I was just playing boy, Chyna sposed to have Kacy this week ?" She asked while giving it back to him. He grabbed it from her hands sliding it in her hoodie pocket anyway. She left it there knowing he would never accept it back and not feeling like arguing him down about it.
"Yea, I'll figure something out"
"I'll keep her for the week" She spoke while crossing her arms over her chest. Seeing Kahsye this stressed was new for her, he was never the type to let anything phase him. She had seen him in situations where his life was on the line and he was still unphased.
"Nah , I'm not asking you to do no shit like that"
"It's ok, I been missing my girl anyway" she replied while shrugging her shoulders. She always loved watching kids cause she often got lonely just sitting at home all day.
"You sure ? Cause I can just get Koree or Kameron to do it" he asked while walking towards the door making her nod.
"I'm sure, and I'll use this money to buy her some clothes or something to have over here so you don't have to come back" She replied making him nod. Hearing someone knock on her door she walked toward him opening up the door.
"Sorry girl , girl somebody got shot on Kennedy the whole shit blocked of- Kash ?" Her client spoke before turning her attention from Tehkia to Kahsye.
"Well TJ imma go, text me if you need anything" he spoke before leaning down and kissing her cheek before walking out of the door ignoring the female standing in front of him.
"You good girl you can just go straight back and sit in the light blue chair, you want anything to drink" TJ spoke ignoring the tension that had emerged in the room.
"Nah I'm good" the girl replied stepping into the house.
"Well ok, I'm gonna go get my baby a blanket then I'll be right with you" TJ spoke making the girl nod. She ran upstairs hurriedly grabbing a Pink Victoria's Secret throw blanket out of her closet and her iron pills off her nightstand stuffing them in her pocket. Deciding to take one later she threw the blanket over Kacy'Mae before finally walking into her nail room. She sat down before smiling at her client who sat typing away at her phone. Pulling her phone out her pocket she went to her booking site seeing what exactly the girl wanted.
"So Ms. Cheyenne you booked for my freestyle deal of the week ?" TJ spoke excitedly. She loved when clients booked freestyle sets because it gave her the opportunity to go all out and express her self creatively.
"Mhmm" Cheyenne replied dryly her mood ruined by seeing Kash here.
"Anything you know you want for sure ?" Tehkia asked kindly still keeping it professional although she sensed attitude.
"I want them long, like extendo" she replied making TJ nod before preparing everything. As she prepped her nails Cheyenne watched her intently waiting to nitpick on anything she didn't like. Not seeing anything she looked around the room as TJ worked on her hands.
"So how do you know Kash ?" She finally spoke up after 15 minutes making TJ inwardly roll her eyes. Kahsye always has been and probably always will be a hoe. She never minded it until it started to affect her, she had a feeling the question was coming anyway.
"He's a friend" she replied simply focusing on laying the acrylic bead she was currently working on.
"Friend like y'all be fucking ?"
"Friend like Freinds, that's it that's all" she spoke irritated. Cheyenne nodded her head before pulling out her phone and texting her friends. TJ happy for the silence continued on with her nail set.
Finally after 3 hours she finished the girls nail set.
"Damn girl these cute as fuck, I'm not gonna lie at first I ain't like you cause I thought you was fucking my man but damn you did your thing" Cheyenne spoke truthfully making TJ just nod her head while she took pictures.
"What's your cashapp ?"
"TJ the nail tech" TJ replied while posting the set on Instagram.

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