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If you don't love me somebody else will babygirl don't you ever get too comfortable
Lil Wayne x Babyface


I shook my head as everybody pulled up to the basketball court after we left from seeing Remy. I wiped my eyes one last time before looking over at Dee who was already looking at me.
"You straight ma ?"
"Yea I'm good"
"You sure ?"
"Mhmm"I spoke with a smile before getting out the car and walking over to the courts as she sat on her phone. Seeing all the niggas on the court with their wife beaters playing basketball I smiled before going over to the bleachers where Kaily and Nae sat. I sat on the side of them as we watched the boys play basketball on the court. After sitting there for a while I got bored.
"Y'all tryna shoot em" I asked making them nod I went into my purse getting my dice out ready to buss they ass.
"What y'all finna do ?" I heard Ju ask from the court.
"I'm bouta buss they ass right quick" Nae replied as she squated down preparing to throw the dice. Kaily laughed when Nae threw a three her first roll making her suck her teeth.
"Why y'all wanna be us so bad" Rae spoke making me laugh as I snapped my fingers picking up they money.
"Bitch I been doing this since a youngin go to hell" I spoke while throwing more money into the pile.
"Somebody play some music " I spoke loudly while watching as Kaily through the dice rolling a 10 making me suck my teeth.
Cheating ass.
Somebody began playing No savages Dedication from a speaker making me smile as we continued our game.
"Push up on my opp I'm tryna leave one in they ass" I began rapping along while throwing the dice.
Damn a 9 wtf
"Bitch how you shitty and these your dice moe" Kaily spoke.
"Right what the fuck is going on" I spoke before picking up my phone which was ringing.
"Yea" I spoke while pulling more cash out my purse to bet.
"Moe for real TJ stop fucking playing with me "
Jaz's voice came booming through the phone.
"Nah you ain't just call me to argue" I spoke while grabbing the dice from Nae's hand.
"Bitch stop holding em" she spoke making me laugh.
"Nae bruh tell your friend stop being like that" she spoke making Nae laugh.
"Uhn we not cool right now cause why would you bring that girl to our table" Nae spoke while I threw the dice rolling a Seven off bucks.
"Bruh I only did that cause she need her hair done"
"So good we all seen that she look fucked" Kaily spoke making me laugh.
"You dead ass wrong bitch" I spoke while grabbing the money and putting it with the rest I won.
"Nae bruh let me talk to you" Jaz spoke from the phone making Nae roll her eyes as she grabbed the phone while picking up her wins.
"I'm done shooting with you bamma ass bitches anyway" she spoke while getting up and walking off making me and Kaily laugh.
"Where your girl go at ?" She asked about Dee making me shrug.
"Had something at work" I spoke while putting my dice and money up.
The speakers now blasted Through the rain by No savage and JG riff making me smile as I walked by Kaily who was live on her phone.
"Bitches come and then they go uhh bitch that's how it be, if she fuck with bro then fuck with me that mean she a freak" She rapped along with the song while sitting the phone up on the bleachers.
"Better watch your bitch she get her hair done every other week you can play that with them bitches bitch don't play that shit with me" I finished off while squinting trying to see who was in it. Not seeing anybody I knew I turned around looking over at the court. Grown men played on one side while the teenagers were on the other.
"Aye you, lil boy" I spoke pointing to a random teenager. The boy pointed to himself making me nod my head while waving him over.
"Wassup Ma" he spoke making me laugh a bit while shaking my head.
Still wet behind the ears.
"What's your name young ?"
"Dre" he replied making me nod.
"Well Dre can you go to the candy lady for me ?" I asked as Nae came walking back over to me handing me my phone. He nodded his hand making me smile.
"Get me two pickled eggs and seeds & a guzzler, y'all want some ?" I asked Nae and Kaily.
"Get me some now laters and slim Jim's" Nae spoke up making the lil boy nod as he typed it into his phone.
"Get me a pickled egg and seeds too and a hot sausage" Kaily added on as I pulled out a twenty giving it to the boy.
"You got all that ?" I spoke making him nod. He ran off the court as I went back to the bleachers sitting down.
"Fuck was she talking bout" I asked while pulling out my phone to take a picture of myself.
"Trying to get us back on her good side" she spoke making me roll my eyes.
"So nothing ?" I replied making her laugh a bit while nodding her head.
"And she asked who you was with but that's it ?"
"What you tell her ?"
"I said that's cuddi" she spoke making me let out a loud ugly laugh.
"I'm crying it never gave cuddi" Kaily spoke while laughing.
"Aw she like cuddi " I said while still laughing. Dre came walking back over to us with all our stuff in a bag.
"Here go your change" he spoke pulling it out of his pocket.
"You can keep it" I spoke while pulling the top on my guzzler. He smiled before nodding his head at me and going back to the court. I turned around continuing our conversation.
"Y'all I'm not gon lie I am gonna miss that stupid bitch" I spoke with a slight shrug of my shoulders. I had grown to have some type of feelings for Jaz and to say I was attached would be an understatement.
"Aww I think you should hear her out" Nae spoke making me and Kaily look at her like she was dumb.
"Bitches be tripping"
"She must've got back on your good side" Kaily spoke making me nod.
"Aw shit bitch look who just pulled up." Kaily spoke again making me squint my eyes not being able to see shit.
I need to start wearing my damn glasses.
She pointed over to a black Lexus ES making me shake my head as a nigga popped out and sat on the hood. Some of the teenager boys stopped the game to go over and speak to him making me shake my head.
Nigga is not fucking famous.
"Who is that ?" Nae asked genuinely confused. Sometimes I forget that she didn't grow up with me.
"TJ first boyfriend" Kaily replied making Nae's jaw drop.
"Bitch that man look good"
"Y'all scicing it" I spoke making them both look at me crazy.
"Girl stop playing and go speak to that man" Kaily spoke making me throw her my middle finger as I got up and made my way over there.
"Tehkia baby" he spoke making me shake my head.
"Kahsye" I replied while folding my arms and looking him up and down. 
Nigga get finer by the day.
"Why you way over there for ?" he asked while holding his arms open making me roll my eyes as I walked into them excepting his hug.
"You smell good" he spoke making me nod as I pulled away.
"What you doing around here ?" I asked while pulling my shorts down a bit.
"Heard y'all was here, you know I wasn't missing a chance to see your lil sexy ass" he spoke making me roll my eyes while blushing.
Flirty ass nigga.
"Kahsye you wouldn't even know what to do with my grown sexy ass" I replied making him let out a hearty chuckle.
"You still mad about old shit , we was freshman girl" he replied while standing up off his hood.
"Never mad, just cautious" I spoke while mixing my pickled egg and seeds.
"You act like we can't be friends"
"We can... but you just be tryna touch my nono square" I replied to him while tying my bag as he laughed.
"I guess moe, let me see your phone" he spoke making me roll my eyes while pulling it out of my pocket and giving it to him. I turned around to see Kaily walking towards us.
"Wassup Sye" she spoke making him smile.
"Wassup lil sis, I thought you wasn't gon speak" he replied making her laugh.
"I know you not over here trying to win my girl back"
"You know she to busy playing with coochie to give me the time of day" he replied to her making my jaw drop.
"Aw he like playing with coochie I'm crying. TJ what time you leaving ?" She asked making me shrug. The sun was beginning to set which gave the court a golden glow.
"I gotta go pick up my car from the Airbnb" I spoke.
"You want me take you ?" Kahsye spoke making me roll my eyes.
"Girl let that man take you, you know Nae gotta get Lyfe & I'm leaving with Ju." Kaily spoke making me sick my teeth.
"I'll just text Dee and tell her come scoop me" I replied making both of them suck they teeth.
"Stop doing to much and let's go" he spoke while opening up his passenger door making me roll my eyes as I got in.
"Be safe gang" Kaily spoke. I put my middle finger up as Kahsye pulled off from the court speeding as usual.
"So what you been up too Kash" I spoke while putting the address in his phone making him suck his teeth.
"Don't call me that, you know better" he spoke making me laugh. Since we were kids and he had acquired the nickname Kash he never liked me or Remy calling him that.
"Ion know nothing but ok" I spoke while looking out the window.
"You still hanging around those uppity uptown niggas" he asked making me suck my teeth.
"Bitch shut up before I beat up your baby mother again" I spoke making him shrug.
"Bitch playing with me anyway Jhi like blowing me son" he replied making me look over at him.
"How old is Kacy'Mae  now ?" I asked making him smile.
"3 pretty as fuck too" he spoke making me nod.
"And you still out here doing shit you ain't got no business?"
"TJ the niggas you hang around do the same shit as me " he spoke making me roll my eyes.
"No they do illegal shit like you, not participate in hood beef"
"Tehkia Ian gonna argue with you about it, just know I'm staying safe" he spoke making me roll my eyes. His phone began ringing making my eyes shift from outside to it.
"Malia FaceTiming you" I read making him shrug.
"You not gonna answer it" I asked.
"Ian for all that shit all she wanna do is argue " he spoke making me laugh while grabbing the phone.
"Good thing I like to argue" I spoke while answering it making him laugh.
"Who the fuck are you" she spoke as soon as her face popped in the camera. I smiled taking in her appearance.
He do got some good taste.
"That don't really have nothing to do with nothing, can you stop calling his phone " I spoke calmly making the girl laugh.
"Bitch ion know who you think you are answering his phone and shit nigga prolly don't even know you on his shit" she spoke.
"Look Kash" I spoke while turning the phone to him. He looked at me mugging before shaking his head looking back at the road.
"Like I said stop calling his phone shawty" I spoke.
"Really Kash this what we doing now you got bitches answering your phone ?"
"Girl if he wanted to answer your questions he would've answered your call instead of me, you done yelling into your phone like a dickhead ?" I replied to her question making her let out another laugh.
"Bitch I'll glass you" she spoke making me jaw drop.
"For real, that go crazy" I replied making Kahsye laugh.
"Yea bitch I'm not arguing with no bitch I can probably beat the shit out of give my nigga the phone" she spoke putting extra emphasis on my.
"Girl I'm not arguing with no bitch he let call him Kash, and if you ever wanna get up on me and carry out that threat my IG is bratnamedteejay. I'm done doing this back and forth shit" I spoke before hanging up interrupting her next sentence.
"You ain't did shit but get that girl hyped" Kahsye spoke up as I went back to the gps on his phone.
"What she gon do beat my ass ?" I asked while looking over at him knowingly. He know what I been doing to bitches.
Ain't many bitches that can beat my ass.
"Nah" he spoke with a shrug.
"It's really you you need to be worried about, she gon key this pretty ass car" I spoke making him look over at me.
"She might be stupid but she ain't that stupid, shit I ain't that stupid to have a hoe know where I rest my head" he spoke making me laugh.
"I guess Kahsye" I spoke while pulling out my phone checking my messages.

Lmk when you make it home ma
Rae: Where TJ go ?
Kaily : she left with Kash.
Juju: Kahsye was at the courts ?
Quan: TJ gotta calm down I don't even know who this bitch is 🤦🏾‍♀️
Juju: SAHN😂 Kash a nigga bro.
Quan : she jumping to niggas now ? She really wilding out.
Nae: no Kai said that was her first bf.
Quan: and y'all just let her leave with this nigga ? What if he kidnap her.
Kaily: Yea we been knowing Kash, she safe with him.
Quan: ion trust you , you could've sold her for a pack of skittles 🤨
Kaily : bitch 😕
Juju: Nah she safe with Kash bro 😂😂😂😭.
Quan: ion trust you either didn't you just say you needed a new gun last week , you prolly traded her for a drac with a beam 😭😭😩
Rae: 😂😂😂😂😂😂
Quan: BRING MY SISTER HOME😭💔 imma call amber and them.
Me : nigga I'm ok😂😂😂😂
Quan: I had to make sure 🧐 ju and Kai ass been listening to Pooh sheisty a little bit too much for my liking.
Nae: no fr 🙄 making me hate that nigga
Ju: sound like to me y'all just some hater ass bitches. Tehkia tell Kash I said wassup.
Me: Ight.

"Ju said wassup" I spoke while looking up from my phone as he finally pulled into the driveway right beside my car.
"What Rum got this for Remy deathdate ?" Kash asked making me nod.
"Why you ain't come to the party ?"
"You know ion like being around too many people" he spoke making me nod. It was true, even as teens he never liked being around to many people.
"Ight imma fuck with you Kahsye" I spoke while reaching over to hug him.
"For real TJ stop being a stranger , call me when you get home" he spoke before kissing my forehead. I blushed a bit while smiling.
Feels like home.
"It's not my fault I was being a stranger, I'm not making you choose between me and your baby mother" I spoke while getting out the car and getting in mine. He rolled his window down making me roll mine down.
"Must be cause you know imma choose you everytime " he spoke making me roll my eyes while blushing.
"Bye Kahsye" I spoke making him wink before backing out of the driveway and pulling off. I pulled off right behind him heading home.
After stopping at McDonald's I parked in front of my building before walking in. I finally got to my door unlocking it and exhaling when I finally got in. I walked towards my room taking my gun out my purse and setting it on my dresser before getting undressed and getting in the shower. I got out wrapping my towel around myself before texting Dee and calling Kahsye.

-im home.
Ok, I would tell you stay up but I know you probably tired esshit so imma let you gts. Goodnight luv💘
- don't steal my shit 😂 but goodnight 💕

"Yo ?" Kash spoke answering the phone as usual.
"Im home ugadee" I spoke making him laugh.
"Grown but still saying ugadee ? I guess moe" he replied making me chuckle.
"Ight get the fuck off my phone Im bouta go to sleep " I spoke making him nod before hanging up. I rolled my eyes while putting on cocoa butter.
Rude ass.
After moisturizing I finally put on my bonnet before turning my TV to Disney+ and drifting off to sleep.


Only reason this getting published is cause I reached 1k 🙄😭😭 Yall ass really that stingy with comments . Anyways be blessed and stay dangerous

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