45. Ain't No Rest For The Wicked

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In the weeks to follow the battle at Lux and Maze's descent to take on the role as Queen of Hell, everyone did their best to move forward, taking charge of their lives, and relishing in the good moments that came with everyday. They realized how even the smallest bits of good news or moments could be blessings to take advantage of, and just how important every person who they cared about truly was. You could never know when they would have to leave.

Trixie began talking to Matt more and more. Most of the time, they communicated over Snapchat when either felt like they needed to talk to someone about Dan. This eventually faded, and they seemed to like talking to each other about absolutely anything and everything more. 

Trixie invited Matt to a bonfire a group of friends from her school was having, and they had a great time. Her friends seemed to like Matt, especially the boys, and he fit in well with them. Not to mention, Trixie liked the way Matt made her feel; she had never felt this way about anybody else before, she didn't even know she could. Matt her feel safe, accepted, like somebody understood her, but he was also different. He hadn't grown up like she had, so he brought with him an entirely new way of looking at the world, which Trixie was excited to explore and learn about. Simply spending time with Matt eased her pain from losing her father and best friend so suddenly. 

She was growing up. The notion made her laugh because, now that Lucifer was spending more time around her and her mom, he was protesting her rapid maturation. She had always assumed he wished she'd grow up quicker, not have "sticky hands" or have to censor himself around her. Funny how much things have changed. 

Trixie Espinoza has her whole life ahead of her. She was beyond grateful for the people placed in her life, those who were only there for a short time, those still in it, and those yet to be in it. She could be absolutely traumatized by the events of her only fourteen-year old life, but she fought everyday not to let it affect her. She would take it and make a difference in this world, even if she had to fight like a demon for it.


The Martin family was taking an evening stroll down the Santa Monica Pier after dinner one evening. Charlie had fought them hard to not be pushed in the stroller because, "Imma big boy, Mommy! I walk far!"

Amenadiel and Linda held their son's hand as they walked the boardwalk in between them. Every once in a while, they would lift their arms and let him swing in between them for a few steps. His playful laughter was like music to their ears. It was moments like these they needed to hold on to. They had learned too many times in the past three years how quickly everything could be taken away from them. 

Amenadiel looked over at his beaming and laughing toddler and his mother, the beautiful woman smiling down at him, her eyes filled with so much love and tenderness. Her smile was infectious, it seemed, because Amenadiel felt himself swell with emotion. 

Linda stopped near a bench so that she could watch the sun set over the ocean. There truly was nothing compared to watching the sunset in all of Los Angeles or anywhere else, according to Linda. 

Amenadiel didn't watch the sunset though; he was content watching a much more stunning view. He had been around since creation, so he had seen the beginning of all of Earth's wonders. To him, there was nothing compared to admiring Linda admire nature in all of its beauty and Charlie humming along to a little tune while he swung as legs as he sat on the bench.

He wished he could capture this moment forever. 

"Linda," Amenadiel said softly. 

"Hmm?" She said, turning slightly away from the sunset. Amenadiel leaned against the rail with one elbow, his smile too powerful to control. 

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