44. The Man, The Myth, The Legend

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After receiving Lucifer's prayer, Amenadiel left the Silver City and reluctantly flew to New York City, where Lucifer had said his "old friend" was currently residing. He reached the apartment the person was said to be at, and Amenadiel scrunched his nose and nearly revolted at the smell coming from the apartment. He opened the door and couldn't believe what he was seeing. 

A tall man with blond hair in a dirty trench coat, suit, and loose-hanging red tie was dragging a larger man's body across the floor, clearly struggling as Amenadiel stood in the doorway.

He glanced to his left and saw Amenadiel, before huffing and complaining in a strong British accent, "Well are you just going to stand there like a bloody imbecile, or are you going to help?"

Caught-off guard by his statement, Amenadiel took the body from the man with ease. "Where do you want...him?"

"Ah," The man looked around curiously, like he hadn't planned that part of his body-moving-mission yet. "Maybe just...on the sofa or something. I'm sure my acquaintances will be by shortly to pick him up. This spell should keep him knocked out for several hours."

Amenadiel let the man's body drop onto the couch, stirring dust in its wake. Amenadiel figured that he really didn't want to know what kind of wack-job Lucifer was enlisting for his favor. He's probably better off not asking question. 

The man put his hands on hips and asked, "So you're Lucifer's brother I take it?"

Amenadiel nodded and replied, "Yes. We need your help in Los Angeles. We've...had a bit of demon-trouble, and Lucifer says you're a bit of an expert."

The man grinned with pride and said, "It's true, though, I'm not sure why the devil would need my help with that, unless he's done something stupid again, like cut his wings off."

The man turned his head to the side and murmured, "Bloody wanker."

Amenadiel was taken aback by the man's statement. How much about Lucifer did this man know about? Obviously he knew that he really was the devil, and that Lucifer had cut off his wings. What was his brother's relationship with this man? On second thought...maybe Amenadiel really didn't want to know that either.

"All right, let's go then. Should make this quick before I have to head back to work."

The man walked into Amenadiel's personal space and wrapped his arms around Amenadiel's neck. Amenadiel leaned away from him, very uncomfortable indeed.

The man rolled his eyes and exasperatedly explained, "So you can fly us to L.A., mate, come on!"

"Oh right," Amenadiel flushed, slightly embarrassed that he thought the man was coming onto him. With a roll of his shoulders, Amenadiel made his dark wings corporeal, and flew off toward L.A., stirring up all kinds of dust and grime in the dingy New York apartment.


Amenadiel appeared back among the rubble of Lux with very tired and ragged-looking man. Chloe had taken the break in the action to scold Trixie for coming into a demonic fight, and did she know that there was a good chance she could die? How stupid could she be? 

Lucifer and Maze had run around the building looking for things that man would apparently need when he got here. Chloe wanted so badly to ask why he could possibly need Maze's blood, a jar of oil, and fire, but after being a celestial-insider this long, she knew it was best if sometimes she didn't ask and just let the celestials do their thing.

The group came up to greet the man, Lucifer taking the first of the introductions.

"Johnny! So glad you could come. It's been a while." Lucifer exclaimed with his cheshire grin, extending his hand to shake the man's. 

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