8. Family Means Protection

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The oven timer beeped as Dan rushed around his small kitchen to prepare dinner.

"Here let me get that, Dan." Ella offered politely. When he didn't budge, Ella smiled and squeezed his arm insisting, "Dan!"

He finally gave in with a small smile and went to make sure that all of the sides were ready, and that there was indeed chocolate cake in the refrigerator.

"Trixie'll be here any minute!" He called over his shoulder to Ella, who was pulling a golden brown casserole out of the oven with Dan's old oven-mits.

"It'll be fine!" Ella consoled him, "However Trixie reacts, we'll deal with it...but I still think the news will be better coming from you than me."

She gave him a knowing nod and gazed into his eyes with her kind brown ones. She set the casserole on a cooling rack and walked over to where Dan stood, stressing against the counter. Ella placed a gentle, calm hand on his shoulder and used her other hand to turn his worry-lined face toward hers. He succumbed to the movement and saw her bright smile, though small, and it comforted him immediately. How on earth does she do that? Ella moved up on her tip-toes and placed a small kiss on Dan's lips.

"Okay." Dan whispered, a little bewildered at how the young scientist could calm him so quickly.

There was a small tap on the door before it opened and young girl's voice filled the air, "Dad?" Trixie called into the apartment.

Dan and Ella smiled as they saw Trixie step out behind the door. When the girl turned to see them, she smiled first at her father, but it faltered some with confusion when she saw Ella and then the extravagant meal.

"What's this?" She asked.

Dan took a moment to really look at his daughter. Beatrice Espinoza had shot up with height in the last year; he's sure the growth spurt will stop after her next birthday, but she was about ready to pass Chloe up, being that her head already just about lined up with her mother's. The childish roundness of her face was beginning to slim, revealing more womanly features. Trixie would definitely have Chloe's face, but still had Dan's skin tone and hair color. Her dark brown hair was longer too (today she had it parted into two french braids).

Dan was so happy that his daughter still wanted to spend time with him. According to his and Chloe's custody agreement, Trixie was to live with him every Wednesday and every other weekend until she was eighteen. However, he and Chloe agreed on their own that their daughter shouldn't have to feel pressured to be at one parent's or the other's; as she got older, if she wanted to hang out with friends on the weekend, or if she simply wanted to live with either him or Chloe permanently while she was still a minor, they would respect her decision.

His little monkey was growing up so fast. He didn't like that she wasn't his baby girl anymore, but in his heart Trixie would always be his little girl, his first child, and so very special to him. Dan was so unbelievably proud of her.

"Uh, we made dinner!" Dan explained, motioning to the food in front of him and Ella.

"Set your stuff down and come eat." Dan told her, and she did as she was told. Ella left Dan to serve while she greeted Trixie in the hallway.

"Hi you're Trixie, right?" Ella greeted politely. Of course she knew who the teenager was. She had seen her at the precinct with Chloe and Dan numerous times before (plus she was Dan's favorite thing to talk about). She had even met Trixie at Chloe's house once before, but they had never been formally introduced. Ella was just trying to be polite and soften the blow as much as she could.

"Yeah, hi!" Trixie said enthusiastically. Before she knew it, she was being engulfed in a signature Ella bear-hug. It was definitely strange and took her by surprise, but at least it was a good hug.

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