19. This Lilith Chick

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Chloe jumped awake, startled by the loud vibrating noise in her ear.


It came again. Chloe squeezed her eyes shut and groaned, wanting to bury her face back into her pillow, but something possessed her to at least glance at the caller ID. She turned the phone over have a look, her eyes burning from trying to adjust too quickly to the intense blue light invading her sleepy pupils. The name in bold print across her screen cleared any sleep from her mind and eyes.

Fumbling with the still buzzing phone, Chloe finally pressed the green answer button and held the phone to her ear.

"Ella?" She breathed, her voice still groggy from sleep.

"No, no it's fine. Don't worry about it." Chloe brushed off Ella's apology from the other line. Chloe's voice became serious and slow, like when she was trying to explain something very important to Trixie.

"Ella, are you okay? I've been really worried about you."

She let Ella answer before pushing, "You sure? Because, you know you can talk to me about anything right? I'm here for you, I know this stuff can be...a lot."

Once again, Ella promised Chloe that she was fine, but Chloe noticed something that made her uneasy: Ella sounded fine. Chloe, usually, could spot a liar very quickly and she knew from past experience that Ella Lopez wasn't a good liar, at all, but she was definitely telling the truth right now.

Before Chloe had time to think on it too hard, Ella told her that she was at Lucifer's and she needed her, Amenadiel, Maze, and anyone else who knows to get there as soon as possible. By anyone who knows, Chloe assumed Ella meant anyone who knows about Lucifer and everything that comes along with him. Ella also asked her to meet them at the penthouse in an hour before she hung up.

Chloe looked down at the phone and scrolled through her contacts, calling everyone she could think of that knew. Let's see, that would definitely be Amenadiel, Maze, uh, Linda, Linda knows, um...Eve? She's not around anymore, though, right? Dan doesn't know, um, I think that's everyone.  Chloe thought as she made a list of people to call.

She called Amenadiel first. He picked up fairly quickly, sleep deepening his voice as her had probably been a few minutes ago. Chloe told Amenadiel everything that happened with Ella this weekend and that she wanted them all to meet at the penthouse in an hour. He agreed and said that he would wake up Linda and tell her if Chloe could try and get hold of Maze.

Which is the next thing Chloe did. Maze actually hadn't been home for the last couple of days, so this call was a little over due. She had sent Chloe a very cryptic text about a week ago saying that she just needed to take care of some things and she wasn't sure when she was going to be back. Maze didn't answer Chloe's call, so she left her a message, asking her to call her back as soon as she gets this and meet her at Lucifer's penthouse around 8:15.

As soon as Chloe ended the message, she worked to get herself ready as fast as possible. She had spent the majority of Saturday sleeping off Friday's self-deprecating on-and-off binge while wrapping her mind around advice from strangers, advice from friends, and advice from her very conflicted heart. With as much physical rest as she got, she shouldn't be as tired as she felt.

She changed out of her sleep shirt and sweat pants and threw on an outfit that she would normally wear to work: a simple pair of dark jeans, a black and white stripped shirt with a black jacket to cover her arms, and a pair of sensible dark shoes.

Chloe grimaced at her tussled hair in the bathroom mirror. The brown locks weren't wavy as much as they were frizzy and her bangs stuck out at weird angles. She grabbed a brush out of the vanity drawer and tucked her long hair back into a low tight bun. Then she brushed her bangs flat before brushing them slightly to the sides, forming a bit of a triangle in the center of her forehead.

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