27. Chloe Thinks ASL is Sexy

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Quick Note: I do not know how to GLOSS (written form of American Sign Language, so later on when Lucifer and the boy sign, it is already translated into English but in italics, if this makes sense).

On Wednesday morning, around seven, Lucifer's phone vibrated on the bedside table next to him. He groaned and mumbled about vibrators being too bloody loud, but still checked to see what the annoyance was before he went back to sleep.

You would be exhausted too if you stayed up all night planning the perfect date for the love of your life, whom you've just reunited with after three long years.

Once his eyes focused on the banner that covered his lock screen, his breath hitched and any grogginess plaguing him fled immediately.

The Detective had texted him.

Seems about right. She would have to be up this early to make sure the urchin got to school and then see herself off to work.

Sliding the banner to the right, he opened the message to a full screen and read:

The Detective: Good morning. I know for Friday we said 8, but would you mind coming over to my place at 6? I had an idea of something we could do together.

Lucifer reread the message multiple times. At first, he was miffed that she had already figured out something for the two of them to do when he had been up all night formulating a plan. That subsided quickly though. Clicking on the keyboard, he typed:

Sounds lovely. 👍🏼 See you later?

His phone vibrated again a few seconds later. He felt the familiar thrum of excitement in his chest, like a giddy school girl playing he-loves-me-he-loves-me-not.

The Detective: Yep :)

She added a smiley face.

Lucifer fell back onto his bed and allowed the joy to spread through him. He grinned from ear-to-ear and closed his eyes, imagining Friday's date with Chloe in his mind's eye.

He was too excited to fall back asleep now. Lucifer decided to start his day early, maybe he'd go pick up breakfast and coffee for the officers at the precinct. It had been too long since he's done that.

He completed his morning shower routine, which led to figuring out which suit he wanted to wear (the navy suit with a white shirt, navy vest and blue-patterned pocket square tickled his fancy today).

He had just begun making a pot of coffee when his phone rang. That familiar thrum returned for the second time in under as many hours when he pressed the green answer button.

"Morning Detective! How-" He called cheerily into the phone, but she interrupted him before he could make a quip about her seemingly no longer being able to resist him.

"Hey, sorry to bother you, but I can't talk long. Our APB picked something up. Uni's are bringing in our suspect from the cabin case right now, and I want to question him as soon as possible. You in?"

Lucifer let his cheeky grin spread wider before calmly answering, "Of course, I'll be there within the hour."

And with that she hung up on him.

Discarding the grounds and water in the pot, Lucifer hurried to grab his keys. On the elevator ride down to the garage, he ordered two coffees from his Starbucks App so that they would be ready when he arrived at the one nearest to the precinct.


"Ah Detective!" He called across the precinct when he had arrived. Chloe was sitting at her desk, clearly having an heated argument with the infant detective.

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