17. Debunked! With Ella Lopez

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The Saturday afternoon sunlight woke Ella Lopez from her deep slumber. With groggy eyes and a parched throat, she rubbed the sleep from her face and looked around the room. Ella still wore yesterday's clothes, but her shoes had mysteriously been removed. She was in a king-size bed, with memory foam underneath her to accommodate her form and weight. The cool black silk sheets slipped underneath her. She sat up, confused, as she took in the dark furniture of the room, the black curtains blocking out a majority of the light, and the towering Assyrian walls surrounding this bedroom. Oddly, there was an ugly painting of a mermaid-clown-thing hanging on one of the walls that didn't match the rest of the decor at all.

"Huh." She huffed in regards to the painting.

"Ah! You're finally awake!" A deep British-accented voice cut through the quiet room making Ella jump and hug the sheets around her, even though she was fully dressed.

The person the voice belonged to strode up the stairs into the room, dressed in red silk pajama pants and a red robe, a smile on his face, and two mugs of coffee in his hands.

"Lucifer!" Ella gasped, still gathering her bearings.

She looked around at the bed again and then back to him.

"Did I crash in your bed last night?" She asked, trying to recall the previous night's events.

"I wouldn't exactly phrase it like that," He amended, handing her a cup of coffee.

"I could tell that you weren't running on much when you came over last night, so I offered a place for you to get some rest."

"Thanks," Ella said meekly and gratefully accepted the coffee. "Yeah, I guess you were right." She chuckled, memories seeping back into the forefront of her mind. "Just a nerd running on adrenaline and insisting on not losing a friendship."

Lucifer thought on that for a moment, a small amused smile tugging at his lips. He furrowed his dark eyebrows slightly. "Could there possibly have been a little liquid courage too?"

Ella laughed and shook her head with a smile, "Nope. Not until I got here actually. Didn't get any wine at church."

Lucifer moved to sit on the end of the bed, keeping a little over a foot's worth of space between them in case her brain was still primal-fear mush.

"I went to St. Brennan's actually. I church-shopped for a while after I came to L.A.. Don't know why but, that place just kinda felt right, you know?" Ella didn't know why she was boring him with her tales of trying to find the right place to worship God, but he had always listened to her rambles before, hadn't he? It felt really good to know that that - at least - hadn't changed.

"St. Brennan's hmm?" He hummed. He looked down at the bed with a smirk like he was recalling a funny memory.

"Yeah," Ella chuckled as she remembered her first time going to mass at St. Brennan's.

Then it hit her. She asked Lucifer to come with her that night.

She had to grip the mug tighter because she almost dropped it. She could feel all the blood drain from her face as her eyes widened; her stomach might as well have fallen right out of her. Ella hadn't felt this anxious and overwhelmed since her junior year of college.

Lucifer noticed her stress and leaned in to try and see what was wrong.

"Miss Lopez?" He asked tentatively.

She mumbled something incoherent as she stared off into space. He had to lean in with his ear toward her to be able to understand what she said.

"Pardon? I didn't quite catch that?" He asked politely.

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