21. Undercover

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Chloe's hand tightened on the gun at her waist. She locked eyes with the...the thing just yards away from her. He seemed unnaturally calm, like he was in control of the situation and confidently knew it too.

"Sorry, sorry!" He chuckled, still with a smile, as he slowly raised his hands in the air. "I didn't mean to scare you,"

He was speaking to Chloe as if she was a stupid child. It burned her to her core, but she needed to play along if this was going to work.

Scoffing and reluctantly removing her hand from her hip, she raised her pitch and shook her head, using the ditsy persona she sometimes used when she was undercover.

"Oh, you're fine." She replied casually. "Can't be too careful out here by yourself, ya know?" She tried to laugh, but she knew it sounded too uneasy. Lucifer used to compare it to a witch on crack.

The smile still resisting to fade on his wonderfully sculpted face, he leaned his head to one side and gently asked, "Why are you out here by yourself, Chloe?"

Chloe paused for a moment, figuring out how to naively gain the upper-hand in this exchange.

"Just getting some fresh air, a break from the busyness of the city. Me time."

One side of his mouth quirked upward slightly as he nodded along with her.

Chloe's tone became more serious as she asked, "How do you know my name?"

Of course, she knew the answer, but instead of answering her as she expected him to, exposing his true identity to her and those listening, he avoided the topic by asking, "Would you like to come back to my cabin with me? It's not far from here and it gets a little lonely sometimes. Obviously, you're well taken care of," He motioned with one hand to the gun at her hip, "but good partners are hard to come by, ones who take care of you, don't you think?"

Chloe stared at him intensely, keeping her smile as stubborn as his, though it wasn't a kind smile anymore. She knew what he meant by that comment. She scoffed and answered, "You know what, I'm good."

She picked up her pack and continued with sarcasm lacing her tone, "I think I'm going to start heading up the mountain. You have a good day."

"What is he doing?" Chloe heard Amenadiel whisper in her ear. It was good to know she wasn't the only one extremely confused by this demon's tactics. He was definitely more charming than the few demons she's met. She assumed he'd be more forceful or something.

Before she had time to think, she heard a small rustle behind her and suddenly, the demon's mouth was right next to her ear.

"Oh don't leave just yet gorgeous," His hands wrapped around Chloe's waist, not at all gently, blocking her hands so that she had no way to get her weapon. It may not have looked it, but his grip was incredibly constricting. Chloe tried not to struggle or break free out of her unwillingness to give him more control of the situation, however, she was finding it harder to breathe with how hard he was holding her in place. She didn't have much time.

"We could have so much fun together, you and me." He cooed as he moved behind her head. She heard him take a sniff just above the crown of her head.

"Ah," He breathed. "You smell really good. The fear makes it that much sweeter."

Chloe huffed and squirmed. He just held on tighter. She heard him growl in frustration. Chloe knew she needed to get out of this fast, so managed to say, "Well, you obviously know who I am, and I bet you know that I know what you are, and that I'd never go anywhere with you."

The demon chuckled darkly. "Doesn't look like you have much of a choice do you, Detective?"

The way he said "detective" made Chloe's blood boil. He said it mockingly sweet. The charm thing was obviously a ploy to get her vulnerable, make her angry. She couldn't let her emotions control her right now.

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