28. The Demon (1979)

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Today is the big day. The day Lucifer had been fretting over since Chloe brought it up six days ago on the beach, and he was determined to not let this date become just as sticky a memory as the last few times they tried this.

He spent all morning going over what went wrong years ago in his head, so that he could make sure it didn't happen again.

He hadn't slept with any stewardesses lately.

He wasn't any keeping any secrets from the detective (wait a second...thinking...no, no secrets).

She seemed completely fine with his less positive qualities now.

To quote some of those wretched poets and romantics, it seemed that the stars are aligning. All the variables and signs pointed toward this being the right moment, the moment Lucifer Morningstar has been waiting for: to finally court Chloe Decker, a step into the rest of forever, if you will.

Goodness, when did he get so damn cheesy?

That morning, the detective searched for clues for the Bates Case - the Deaf family that had been murdered and survived by their oldest son - to see if she could find anyone else who might have had motive and opportunity to slaughter an entire family on vacation.

Lucifer loved watching her work; she was so focused, giving her task all of her attention, mumbling her thoughts to herself. She had her head in her left hand, bushing some hair out of her face, while her right hand clicked at a mouse as she scrolled through page after page.

Eventually, her eyes glanced over to him. They quickly went back and forth between him and the computer.

"What?" She tried to make it sound offended that he was staring, but he didn't miss the amusement and fondness in her tone. His head lolled slightly to the side and his soft smile turned more devilish as he teased, "I just enjoy watching you work. You're awfully cute when you're focused."

Chloe narrowed her eyes and smirked, "I'm not cute."

Her retaliation intrigued him even more. He leaned forward, his hands folded in his lap, and he wriggled his eyebrows.

"Sure you are! I find it especially cute how you've completely kept this surprise date of yours under such lock-and-key."

Chloe seemed to refocus on her work, but she gave Lucifer a sideways smirk, her eyes sparkling under the precinct's LED lights.

A sudden feeling of dread and deja vu dawned on him. His charming and confident facade subsided.

"Speaking of...we're still on for tonight, yes?"

Chloe slowly turned her attention from her computer to her partner. Her expression was sincere as she answered, "Of course! I've got everything set up. You're still good for six right?"

Lucifer felt as if tiny excited bubbles were coursing through his body, it was like he was the most caffeinated he's been in his entire existence.

"Absolutely! Should I bring anything?" He answered, maybe a little too quickly and eagerly.

Her smile widened and her eyes softened. "Just yourself. Oh and maybe some wine. I have some, but I'm sure your stuff is better."

Her volume dropped slowly as she went further into her sentence, her smile growing as her head lowered, her eyes trained on him. Was the detective...flirting with him?

Lucifer sat up straight and replied, "Oh, I see! Well I can do that indeed. No chance you're actually going to tell me what you're planning?"

Chloe chuckled and drummed her fingers contemplatively against her chin, teasing him. This secret date of hers thrilled him, mostly, but he also couldn't help but recall the last time she pulled something like this, and it involved a strange-smelling, sticky-grounded soup kitchen and unpleasant distrust.

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