34. Numb

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The sun had just set over Los Angeles and Lucifer and Chloe were relaxing in each other's arms. 

"Four rounds? Did we seriously spend all day having sex?" Chloe laughed. 

Lucifer opened his mouth to say that that's not even the most rounds he's gone in a nine hour period, but something told him that the detective wouldn't like something about that statement, so he decided to say instead, "Four glorious goes, and a little bit of experimenting in each, I'm proud of you Detective! You are okay though, aren't you?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. I appreciated the breaks in between. Probably not going to be able to walk later though," She teased.

Chloe smiled and blushed, thinking of all of the different items he had persuaded her to try over the last few hours. Chloe had never tried those kinds of positions and lubes with any partners she had ever had, which made sex with Lucifer like an entirely new experience for her. 

Lucifer's phone began to ring from the pocket of his pants on the floor. Neither one of them made any move to answer it but snuggled in closer to one another.

His phone began ringing again and Lucifer groaned, tightening his grip around Chloe. She chuckled into his chest as she accepted her hugging fate. 

"Why do cell phones hate us!" Chloe exclaimed.

Lucifer shook his head and supplied, "My go-to excuse is that it's just Dad's manipulations."

Chloe laughed and lightly punched his chest. He grunted playfully and then relaxed back into her. 

His text chime went off several times and his phone once more. The two nearly drifted off into sleep when Chloe's began to ring frantically.

"I think someone really needs to get a hold of us." She moaned. 

Lucifer sighed. Chloe squirmed her way out of his arms, ensuring, "I'm only going to make sure it's not an emergency. It might be Trixie ready to come home. Just give me a minute and I'll come back."

Chloe bunched up the black silk sheet around her and fished for her phone in her pants. 

She saw Maze's contact information on her phone and pressed the green answer button.

"Hey Maze, listen is this...wait...whoa whoa whoa slow down...Maze!...What?...Are you...Okay, yes, text Lucifer the address and we'll be there soon...okay."

Chloe put the phone down and quickly went for her clothes. Her tone was no longer playful or excited, like she had been having mind-blowing sex all day. This tone was wracked with emotion and tight with worry.

"Get dressed we have to go." She said, her words clipped. 

Lucifer propped himself up on his elbow, confused by the drastic change in mood. "Detective? What's wrong?"

Chloe turned halfway around to look at him. Her  eyes were quickly flooding with tears and her mouth hung slightly ajar. 

Now he sat up fully, his features encroaching with concern for her. "Detective?"

Chloe let in a shaky breath, her lip trembling as her eyes met his. 

"It's Dan," She cried.


When Chloe slowed to a stop outside of the storage facility, rows and rows of blinking red and blue lights were the only light to see by. First responders of all types entered and exited the building. There were uniformed officers blocking off the perimeter with police tape, and even higher ranking officers (like lieutenants, sergeants, and even the chief) were there. A lump stuck in Chloe's throat and her limbs trembled, but for just a few minutes longer, she needed to be in working-mode.

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