16. Therapists You Can Drink With

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Chloe paced back and forth in the warehouse over the dead body of a man who had previously been laying four feet from where he was now and in a completely different position.

Honestly, the moved body was the least of her worries right now.

Ella knew about Lucifer. Chloe didn't know how to help. She thought about what she might have done differently if someone had come to her post-revelation. Maybe if Linda, being the only human to know before Chloe, had stopped her and explained who Lucifer really was and wasn't, maybe Chloe wouldn't have gone to Rome, met Father Kinley, and they wouldn't be in this Hell-coming-to-Earth mess. On the other hand, maybe her stubbornness would have taken control and she would have left anyway.

Her reaction wasn't anyone's fault but her own.

In the end, she decided to give Ella the weekend. If the L.A.P.D.'s best forensic scientist didn't show up to work on Monday, Chloe would officially let herself get worried.

One person she could worry about right this second was Lucifer.

She saw his face as Ella ran out; Chloe had seen it before in his penthouse years ago right before she yelled that she was terrified.

Chloe closed her eyes and gulped back tears as they stung her eyes at the memory. She had to take a cleansing breath to rid herself of the overwhelming guilt crushing her because of the events of three and a half years ago.

She told herself that she didn't need to feel that way anymore. She could finally move forward now. Were she and Lucifer in the best place? No! But they were together, in the same realm, and they had a vast future in front of them.

They could only move forward from here.

Chloe smiled as she thought of the moment they shared just a few minutes ago. They had finally given each other forgiveness and that spark between them felt good. Not good actually. It felt amazing.

Chloe had been worried that Lucifer had changed after his most recent trip to Hell, but if tonight proved anything, it was that he hadn't in the way she feared. He became a better man every day that she knew him and he was learning how to be human, or at least how to feel like one. Chloe had been horrible to him, and the only thing he was worried about was that she hated him or would be in danger because of him. He wasn't angry with her for what she said, even though he had every right to be.

She decided to send him a text to make sure that he was okay. She understood that he probably needed space right now, but he shouldn't have to be alone or end up doing something he'll wish he hadn't later.

You okay? I'm thinking about you. Call me if you need anything.

She sent it.

Her mind blanked as she wondered what to do now. Most of the uni's had left, but her crime scene had been very much disturbed by a demon.

Chloe decided that the normal world didn't matter for tonight. Her world was upside down and trying so hard to right itself, but she needed help, and with her partner being out of commission, she knew there was only one logical place to go.

After sending a question mark text to Lucifer, - she was still really worried about him - she scrolled through her phone until she found Linda's contact information.

The phone rang four times until Linda picked up.

"Hello?" She sounded tired and slightly worried on the other line.

"Hey Linda, it's Chloe."

"Hi Chloe! Sorry, Charlie was having trouble falling asleep. Everything okay?"

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