2. You Are Not That Powerful

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Mazikeen stepped into the penthouse before leaving for her hunt. This had become a habit since he left. She would come and make sure nothing had been disturbed if he nor any of their friends weren't using it. Normally, she would stop in, take a look around, make sure none of the safes had been broken in to, grab a drink, and leave.

Today was different. Maze dropped her bag right outside the elevator and pulled her blades out defensively. There was something wrong in the air. She could smell it.

She stepped further inside cautiously, trying to sniff out the danger. She peeked her head inside the library. It was a mess. There were books, papers, pens, and drinking glasses strewn everywhere. It was like somebody was cramming for final exams and had a nervous breakdown.

Maze took a deeper look into the penthouse. There were three more used glasses in the living room area. Almost as if...

"Hello Mazikeen." A tired, deep voice called out. It was followed by the sound of lamp turning on with a clink.

The demon gasped, but re-sheathed her knives. She turned back around to face the library. The lamp now illuminated a dark corner she foolishly hadn't looked in before. Frankly, she was never one for books, so to her, Lucifer's library wasn't a very explored territory...unless you count the time Linda passed out and she found the 600 year old medical journal.

"Lucifer?" Maze asked in disbelief. "What the hell are you doing here?"

Lucifer was sitting, just sitting, on an armchair in the corner. His hair was mussed. Dark circles weighed under his eyes. His white shirt was wrinkled and the top three buttons were undone. The arms of the shirt were lazily rolled up. He looked beyond exhausted.

He gave an amused huff and a smile that didn't reach his eyes as he replied, "Well as it so happens, I just came from there, and it is the reason I'm here now."

Maze took long strides over to him, anger burning on her face. Lucifer didn't think anything of it because Maze normally looked like this.

He stood up and gave her a lazy smile. "It's good to see you old-"

Maze quickly raised a fist and punched him across the face with a loud smack.

Lucifer was taken back and kept his face turned to the side for a moment, rubbing his cheek that was quickly developing a red mark. "Friend?" He finished, slowly turning his face back to look at her.

She was seething. "Yeah. Some friend you are. You took off like that without saying goodbye to anyone! You knew that I wanted to go home, and you left me here anyway! What the hell is wrong with you?" Maze yelled.

Lucifer opened his mouth to explain, but Maze punched him with the other hand.

"Stop hitting me!" Lucifer roared, crimson dancing in his eyes.

Maze lowered her hands, but remained just as angry. He could pull the devil card on her all he wanted, she wasn't scared of him.

He sighed, "I'm sorry." His eyes returned to their normal dark brown. "Recent habit with demons." He explained.

Maze rolled her eyes and crossed her arms in front of her chest. "Yeah I get it," She grumbled. "I guess I'm sorry for hitting you."

Lucifer chuckled and rubbed his cheek, "I suppose I deserve it." 

He paused and then continued, "I did think about you Maze. I was going to invite you to join me; It would have been better to have an ally down there, but...your life is here. Did you really want to leave Trixie and Charlie behind?" He asked sincerely.

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