31. Angry Adolescent Urchin

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An hour later, Chloe pulled the rental SUV into her driveway and turned off the engine with a defeated sigh. The sun had now risen on the eastern horizon and exhaustion ate away at Chloe.

Lucifer must have picked up on her energy because he broke the quiet with, "Don't worry Detective. We will find them."

Chloe ran a hand through her hair, squeezing her eyes shut, and saying, "I just can't figure out how we continue this investigation without somebody finding out. The more people the demons know are involved with...us," she motioned back and forth between her and Lucifer, "just puts targets on their backs for Lilith."

Lucifer tentatively rested his hands on top of hers. Chloe noticed that he flinched when she moved, even the slightest bit, like he was scared that she didn't want him to touch her. She stopped moving so that, maybe, he would relax. 

His eyebrows raised as he looked at her. Even though he seemed just as tired as she was, his posture and expression were calm. 

"And that's not for you to worry about. They're only after you because of me. If it comes to it, I will take care of this outside of work. While you are in "detective mode", you won't have to worry your little head about us doing anything illegal or getting the L.A.P.D. in trouble." He cracked a small smile.

Chloe really did appreciate him being so serious about this. There still seemed to be (at least to her) some loopholes with his suggestion. 

"But you can't completely leave me out of the loop," She stressed, "We promised each other we are together on this all the way through. Don't pull a Lucifer and ditch me when we need to stick together the most."

She hoped her tired gaze was intense enough to get her point across to him. 

Lucifer swallowed and looked down at the floor. "I won't."

Part of Chloe knew she should feel bad; she was using his past mistakes against him and it was wrong of her to do. 

She let out a long breath and softened her voice, "I'm sorry. That wasn't fair. I just mean-"

"You mean to keep updating you with any and all information." 

Chloe looked at him peering at her out of the corner of his eye. She smiled gratefully and replied, "Exactly."

"I'm so sorry, I'm just exhausted." Chloe yawned.

Lucifer chuckled as he glanced out the window at the dawning sun, "Not exactly how I imagined we'd be waking up this morning."

Chloe shook her head with a laugh and said, "Me neither," before she could stop herself. When she realized what she said, her eyes widened and stomach clenched. 

Lucifer straightened up, seeming to be in a much better mood than he was two minutes ago. "Why Detective, are you thinking dirty salicious thoughts about me?"

"Pssh! What? No!" Chloe spluttered way too quickly. "I, uh, I just mean that, I didn't picture myself coming home at the crack of dawn from a crime scene, you know?"

Chloe saw Lucifer's tongue run along the inside of his bottom lip, an eyebrow raising higher on his forehead, and his voice deep as he replied slowly, "Mmhmm..."

Chloe felt her face burn hot with blush, but the idea that was, clearly, now on both their minds made her stomach clench and legs go tingle. 

"I...I think," Chloe started. Her eyes stung and she so desperately wanted to get some sleep, but she really didn't want Lucifer to leave either, afraid that his absence would leave her feeling more alone than was good right now, especially with everything they're dealing with. 

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