22. You Don't Know Him Like I Do

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The warehouse Maze had chosen for this phase of the plan was indeed everything she assured them it was: abandoned, close enough to the city that nobody would question their whereabouts, but far enough away from it that nobody would come looking for them. She confirmed that it could hold a demon and allow them to use any tactics they needed, hence - Chloe realized - the vast and disturbing arsenal in the back of the van.

The demon had stirred a few times on the drive over, but Maze was thrilled to fix that problem. Ella winced at how purple and swollen its face was getting.

"Don't worry about it," Eve whispered, placing a gentle hand on Ella's knee. Ella plastered a smile on her face and nodded; the adjustment of no longer seeing every being as a human, just like her and everyone she cares about, was proving difficult.

The afternoon sun was high and blazing hot in the sky as Lucifer pulled the van into the gravel parking lot. He and Chloe hopped out of the van as Maze slung the unconscious and chained demon over her shoulder. Lucifer opened the doors and let Maze out. Amenadiel came out next and headed for the door of the warehouse; the old hinges on the metal door didn't last a second under his angelic strength. He motioned for Maze to enter a head of him.

Lucifer helped Ella and Eve out of the van.

Maze came back out and made a beeline for the back of the van to gather up her instruments.

Lucifer adjusted his suit jacket and headed for the door, Chloe in tow. As soon as the reached the ajar door, Lucifer turned around, an awkward look on his face that Chloe knew as one he made when he needed to say something but didn't know how to put it. He forced a charming smile and looked at her with his warm brown eyes.

"Detective," He took a breath and looked at the ground momentarily before making himself look back at her intense and impatient blue eyes. Were they...bluer now that her hair was darker? He shook the compulsion Chloe's eyes put upon him to get through what needed to be said.

"Detective," He tried again, lacing his tone with seduction, even though, with her, there was a very good chance his charms wouldn't work.

"I'm going to have to ask you to go with Amenadiel and take Ella and Eve back to the city."

Chloe squeezed her eyes shut and shook her head. Did he seriously just say that?

"Wait, what?" She said affronted.

He pressed the tips of his finger tips together and gazed into her eyes, begging her to understand without him going into too much detail.

"Please, Detective, this is what's safer for you, for all of you."

"No, Lucifer, this wasn't the plan." Chloe argued, pointing an accusing finger him. "We all decided when we formed this plan that this unorthodox interrogation was the needed next step. I am not going home because you think it's too dangerous for me!"

Lucifer's face softened at Chloe's anger. Stubborn Detective, he thought, it was her stubbornness that partially sparked his initial attraction to her, but it's also the reason why she was such a frustratingly good detective. It may also be the beginning of her turning away from him, forever.

He tried again, "Detective, if you are correct, and what the demons want is us together so that they can kill us, I think it's best if we aren't together for this part. I can better defend myself and get the answers out of him if I know that you are safe at home."

Chloe pursed her lips and popped a hip out, placing her hands on her hips, her expression irritated.


Lucifer raised his eyebrows. Did she just say no?

"Good luck trying to convince Ella and Eve to go home, but I am staying. This is just as much my fight as it is yours."

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