41. Answers

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When Lucifer opened his eyes, he was blinded by a bright white light instead of the murky blue of Hell. After his eyes adjusted, he realized that the white wasn't coming from a light at all, but the color of everything surrounding him. As he blinked to correct his vision, he couldn't make up his mind as to whether this place was just an endless void of white and silence, or some kind of solitary confinement chamber. 

He walked around, thinking that eventually one theory would win out over the other. When he didn't run smack into a wall and said wall didn't seem any nearer to him than it had a minute ago, Lucifer decided that he was somehow trapped in an endless void. 

None of this made sense though! When he dies on Earth, he is supposed to get dragged back to Hell. The balance of the worlds couldn't have been flipped yet! 

How long had he been out for? It hadn't seemed but a moment.

Lucifer looked down at his shirt where Pierce's blade had run him through. Instead of the dark scarlet and sticky hot blood, Lucifer's front was clean and there was no injury to be found. 

"Hello?" He called into the void, his voice echoing some. 

When no answer came right away, he tried again. "Is anyone there?"

Again, no answer came. Lucifer scoffed and muttered, "Bloody figures."

Then he called louder to absolutely no one in particular, "I get cast away and forgotten for all time just to be vilified, but the minute I actually have a purpose and try to do something good, my plug gets pulled and now I'm stuck in the middle of bloody nowhere!"

"Alone," He whispered, his heart rate quickening as a flood of strange emotions overcame him, realizing that there was absolutely no way he could help Earth now, or see any of his friends again for that matter, mostly feelings of failure accompanied by other unpleasentaries.

"Who said you were ever alone?" He deep calm voice asked from behind him. 

The voice startled Lucifer. Nobody had been in here with him a moment ago, he had been sure of it. Much less...

A cold feeling of dread rushed down his spine and his body urged to fight back. He hadn't heard this voice in ages. He had always told himself he never wanted to again, but somehow, part of him was happy to hear it. The happiness was squashed as Lucifer's anxiety won out and was replaced by fear, then anger, and then finally hatred.

Lucifer turned around slowly, preparing for the worst as he took in the calmly smiling presence of the being before him. 

"Dad?" Lucifer asked much more meekly than he had intended. 

God smiled wider and nodded, looking and sounding much different than the last time Lucifer saw him, but the same as He had in The Beginning. He was tall, just around Amenadiel's height, with dark skin and an older, kinder face. His voice was deep but steady.

"It's so good to see you again, son."

Lucifer scoffed and shook his head. "Finally decided to show Yourself? Earl Johnson wasn't good enough for you?"

God let out a long breath, His smile fading some, but His expression somber, as if He had expected this question to arise. 

"I needed Earl Johnson's body for that short time, though mostly indirectly. He had access to my power but not my consciousness, though I had access to his."

Lucifer's face scrunched in confusion and his father's expression became more humorous. 

"I know, it's confusing. It's power I don't like to use too often-"

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