7. One Last Secret

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Thank you @ThekillerDarkiplier for this incredible fanart!

Chloe didn't push him for the rest of the night. She stayed at the penthouse for a few more hours until Lucifer calmed down enough. Trixie called her mom around seven o'clock to fill Chloe in on her day; Chloe didn't tell her about what was going on, just that she got held up after work today. It wasn't completely false.

After she hung up with her daughter, Lucifer said his first words since his spat with Amenadiel, "So you're offspring is...fourteen now?"

His tone was edgy as he quickly downed more alcohol.

Chloe smiled and answered, "Yeah. She started high school last week and she's been adjusting great. She's joined some new clubs, made friends-"

"No boys running around your place yet?" He joked as he stared at the floor and leaned against the bar, sipping from a quickly freshly-filled glass.

He's making jokes. That's good right? He's in a better mood. Maybe it's not good? He used to use humor as a way of deflecting something more serious. Chloe thought of his change in mood.

"Nope. No boys yet." Chloe answered humorously.

"Fourteen," He breathed and smiled.

Then, after a slight pause, he commented "Makes me feel bloody old."

Chloe snorted, which turned into a belly-laugh that Lucifer genuinely joined in on.


Three days passed and not much had changed. Chloe went back to her life and job. Lucifer went back to...well, whatever brought him back here in the first place. He and Chloe hadn't spoken in that same amount of time, but the detective hasn't failed to notice the not-too-inconspicuous vintage cars following her at a distance while she worked, drove her daughter to and from school, or picked up groceries.

What had changed, however, was Chloe's present feelings toward Maze.

"You knew he was back for over a week and you didn't tell me!" She yelled at her roommate, a feeling of betrayal engulfing her.

Maze shrugged and yelled back, "I didn't have a choice Chloe! He asked me not to tell you; we were trying to find a way to stop the danger without hurting you!"

"Well mission accomplished then!" Chloe sassed as she threw her arms in the air sarcastically. Maze crossed her arms over her chest, popped a hip out, and shook her head in disbelief at her roommate.

"Screw you Chloe." Maze spat as she rolled her eyes.

Deeply offended, Chloe shot back, "Screw me? For what? Being betrayed by my friends? Being lied to? You told me you were going to Maine!"

"And I was! I stopped to check on the penthouse, like I always do, and he was there. He asked for my help, so I stayed. Screw you for being a selfish bitch about it. I could be dragging a piece of human scum all the way across the country right now, but no. Once again, I'm dragged into keeping Chloe Decker safe!" Maze ranted.

Chloe was deeply hurt by her friend's words, but deep down, she knew she had a point. Ever since she met Maze, it had been the demon's biggest goal to become her own independent person, but everyone was always asking her for favors and taking her feelings for granted, especially Lucifer.

She sighed and dropped her shoulders slightly in defeat, "I'm sorry Maze. I want to be able to understand what you've gone through, or what you've done for me, but I can't help but feel like there's a lot more you all have been keeping from me, which is making it that much harder to keep up with all this celestial stuff!"

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