39. Dream a Little Dream of Me

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There were flames everywhere, bottles of alcohol igniting and exploding, lights over head gave off sparks as flames hit them, and countless furniture and flooring became unrecognizable heaps. Demons left absolute chaos in their wake as they demolished the once pristine nightclub.

A woman screamed in agony as she was tied down to a row of tables that had been pushed together, her wrists and ankles made immobile by the painfully tight ropes. Even though she was nearly beaten and bruised beyond recognition, Chloe thrashed and fought against her restraints, calling out for Lucifer. 

Lucifer, however, was in no position to help her at the moment. Even using the extent of his powers, obviously fighting with every fiber of his being, there were just too many demons attacking him at once. Chloe being in the same room with him, seemed to put him at a devastating disadvantage; he had taken on the hordes of Hell before, but now his body might as well have been human, and didn't stand a chance. 

It was torture watching him be mauled, suffocated, and destroyed by these monstrous masses without being able to do anything about it, hearing him cry out like he hadn't since...since a day at the dawn of time that most would like to forget.

Another sound came from the staircase above, looking over - what used to be - the dance floor. Lilith stood above them all, her chin raised with triumph and her smile malicious. After all this time, she had finally won.

Amenadiel woke with a start. His body was drenched in sweat and his chest rose and fell dramatically as he tried to catch his breath.

He had never had a dream as vivid as this before, but this time he saw each individual face clearly, and he remembered every single detail. It really only lead him to one conclusion: his brother and Chloe were in trouble.

Amenadiel sprang out of bed; the time on his phone told him that it wasn't even midnight yet, so he had only been asleep for roughly two hours. He and Linda fell asleep quickly that night, exhausted from the long and emotionally taxing day.

He turned on the lights of their bedroom and ran around, looking for clothes.

"Mmm. What're you doing?" Linda sleepily asked, sitting up in bed. 

Amenadiel recalled the events of the dream for her and said that it was too surreal to be just a dream, it meant something, he was sure of it, and he needed to warn Lucifer and Chloe. 

Linda grabbed her glasses from the bedside table, her eyes still squinting as she adjusted to the light. "Hold on! Before you do anything too rash, why don't you try calling each of them and make sure that it wasn't just some crazy dream, before you go raiding Lux and find that it's just a normal Wednesday night party."

Amenadiel stopped and took a deep breath. She was right, she was always right about things like this. He sat down on his side of the bed with his phone, while Linda rolled back over and shut her eyes.

He decided to try Lucifer first. The phone rang and rang, and eventually Amenadiel was sent to voicemail. He left a message, asking Lucifer to call him back as soon as he gets this. Then Amenadiel tried Chloe. He figured it was a long shot, since Chloe seemed to disappear during the luncheon, which honestly, just filled Amenadiel with more dread. Her phone sent him straight to voicemail without so much as one ring.

Amenadiel repeated this trend four more times until the foreboding feeling became too much to bear. 

"They're not answering Linda. Something is wrong, I know it." Amenadiel persisted. 

Linda sat up again, her tone much more serious, as she likely realized that something might be terribly wrong. They had been waiting for weeks for the demons to attack, and now they actually might be.

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