36. American Pie

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The name of this chapter is inspired by the song American Pie by Don McLean

Lucifer took his time readying himself that morning in the penthouse. He had already had three glasses of whiskey, and it wasn't even nine a.m.. The Weaponizer soundtrack played over his sound system; he had put it on after two glasses. He wasn't mourning, he was just in the mood for some amazing fight scores.

Really, all of this funeral depression was the last thing he thought he should be feeling at the moment. He and the detective (Chloe, sorry) had finally had sex! They gave themselves to each other in the most intimate way, and showed each other sides of being loved that neither had experienced before. Well...Chloe taught him more about the delicacy of...how do the humans put it? Making love? Either way, it was the most incredible experience of his life (and that's saying a lot coming from an immortal), and if it were possible, Lucifer felt even more in love with her. He also taught Chloe a few different things to, don't discount that for a moment, but maybe not as much the emotional side of it.

He picked out a pair of black trousers, a white dress shirt, a silk blue vest, black Louis Vuitton's, and even decided to pull the ensemble together with a tie. It seemed more fitting for a more formal occasion. 

Lucifer went to shut off the speaker (blaring the end-credits score from the second Weaponizer film) off when his elevator opened. 

Amenadiel entered wearing a finely tailored black suit, a white shirt, and a black tie.

Lucifer smirked, "Splurged a little on the attire for today, did we brother?"

Amenadiel returned a sad smile, "Today deserves only the best."

Lucifer grabbed his phone and hunted for his keys, grumbling, "All of this is bloody ridiculous. Daniel doesn't care whether his casket is black or gray, where he is laid to rest, flowers, none of that malarkey the detective and Miss Lopez have been fussing over for the past three days! He is dead somewhere far from here. I never understood humans' fascination with honoring the deceased."

Amenadiel slid his hands into his pockets and shrugged, "You know, me neither, not before I came here. This...this is actually my first time actually attending a funeral. I've always believed them to be pointless too, but...I really don't know anymore."

Lucifer found the keys to the corvette. He was actually on his way out to meet the detective and her offspring at the funeral parlor. 

"Are you giving a eulogy today?" Amenadiel asked.

Lucifer barked a laugh, looking at his brother ludicrously. "I just said that I don't understand funerals. Why would I agree to speak at one?"

Amenadiel's eye brows furrowed slightly, "Because Dan was a friend?"

Lucifer shook his head at Amenadiel as he smiled sarcastically, "No. Detective Douche and I were not friends. It's awful that he's gone this young and left a child behind, but we were coworkers who held little respect for each other. That is the extent of our relationship"

Amenadiel hung his head slightly. He had agreed to give a eulogy when Chloe had asked if anybody wanted to speak at the funeral. 

"Now if you'll excuse me, I'm late to meet the detective. I have a long day of being a shoulder to cry on ahead of me." Lucifer explained bitterly as he finished his glass and brushed past Amenadiel. 

"I'll come with you," Amenadiel's voice was weaker than normal, "I'm heading back to the apartment to get Linda and Charlie."

The elevator dinged as the doors closed and the brothers began the long and hard day.

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