14. El Diablo

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Ella ran.

And ran.

She ran until she found her car. She fumbled with the keys and eventually heard two soft clicks as the car unlocked (after she found the right button). With more fumbling, eventually, she put the key in the ignition and started the engine. The tires squealed as she drove away, rocks flying behind her as she sped out of the warehouse parking lot.

Ella drove. She didn't know where she was headed exactly. Honestly, she can barely remember driving at all. It's like her brain stopped, just turned to mush and ran faster than she did.

Normally, Ella Lopez is a very careful driver, especially after her parents' car wreck when she was a little girl.

She didn't know if she was obeying the speed limit or checking in her mirrors. All she knew is that she needed to get somewhere she felt safe.

That was how she found herself at St. Brennan's Catholic Church.

Ella parked her car and locked it with two confirming beeps behind her.

She was still wearing her dark skinny jeans, a red t-shirt with a cartoon kitten sleeping in a tea cup, a black zip-up hoodie, and her navy Forensic's jacket. Her ponytail was frizzy and wind blow, a cold sweat dripped from her forehead and neck. Her face was pale and her eyes were wild with fear as she entered the sacred space.

The church was quieter than normal. Well, it was Friday night, which is not a very popular church-visiting time. There was an old man near the front kneeling and praying The Rosary, and an old woman lit a candle while making The Sign of The Cross. A pianist and a cantor whispered over sheet music, probably organizing their set for Saturday's afternoon Mass.

Ella walked up the soft white tile through a row of enormous dark brown pews. She locked her eyes on the altar a long-way ahead. Marble steps led up to the humble altar table, adorned with a green cloth and white candles. A beautiful gold tabernacle was perched behind it on what looked like a small monument. Above all of it was a crucifix.

Ella had been a parishioner at St. Brennan's for a little over a year now, she knew very well what the inside of the church looked like. For some reason, the place seemed much different now, bigger and more intimidating. The large crucifix hanging above its place of worship gave Ella a shiver at how hauntingly beautiful it was. Suddenly, Ella felt a wave of peace and calm flood her, giving her the strength to walk inside the hushed quiet space and take a seat in a middle pew. These thoughts and feelings had always been a part of her, maybe in the back of her mind, but now, they nearly overwhelmed her. 

Gently, Ella lowered herself into the hard curved wood and it creaked beneath her weight. The woman who lit the candle sniffed and walked down a side aisle to leave. The cantor and pianist cleaned up their mess and eventually left too. The old man kept his head bowed in reverent prayer as he ran his fingers over the beads.

Ella let out a deep, shaky breath and let herself feel and register the night's events. Tears stung her eyes and she lowered her head, letting her ponytail drape over her right shoulder. Her knuckles turned white as she gripped the edge of the wooden seat. She sniffed as the shock set in. Ella forced herself to cover her mouth and nose with one trembling hand to muffle her cries, not wanting to disturb the man's concentration.

Ella's breathing was erratic, probably not healthy and on the verge of hyperventilating. Large, hot tears fell from her eyes much like her world crashed down around her. She didn't know what to do or where to go. This was too much. Her brain physically could not process what she saw or what think of what she should do now no matter how hard she tried.

Then, what felt like a still, small voice, put a tranquil idea in the forefront of her mind.

"Give it to God." It said.

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