3. Three Years

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"Yeah, that's fine babe," Chloe said into her phone as she rummaged around in her purse, looking for her house keys. "Okay... I'll see you at home then... Love you... Bye." Trixie had gotten involved in an after-school club and called to tell her mom that a friend would drop her off at home around five o'clock.

Honestly, Chloe was over joyed that her daughter was adjusting to high school so well and that she had already made friends and found a place where she fit in. She couldn't help but feel a little relieved that she had two hours to herself after a long day of work. The apartment would be empty since Maze was in Maine, and that meant that Chloe could catch up on laundry and get a little bit of self-care in before her daughter came home.

She finally found her keys and locked her Charger on the way in.

Chloe put the keys in the door, but before she could turn the key to unlock it, the door creaked open.

That's weird. I could've sworn I locked up this morning. She thought as she slipped her keys in her pocket and placed her right hand over her holstered weapon. Chloe took the gun out and undid the safety, keeping it at hip-length with the barrel pointed toward the ground. She slowly pushed open the door with her shoulder and peeked her head in the apartment first, so that she could see if there was an intruder.

"L.A.P.D." She called into her home, stepping in farther when she didn't see anyone initially. The only light she had to see by was the natural shadowed sunlight peeking in through the curtains.

She did a full sweep of house, turning on light switches as she went and checking all of the dark corners and closets.

Chloe breathed a sigh of relief after investigating her whole house and finding nothing. She reholstered her gun, brushing off her paranoia with the realization that she was probably just in a rush to get out this morning and didn't lock the door correctly.

She reached the bottom of the stairs, planning on heading into the kitchen to grab her bag of trail mix to snack on when two large arms grabbed her from behind and squeezed her close. One arm wrapped around her middle, binding her arms to her side. The other clasped a hand over her mouth, muffling any screams or cries for help.

The smell of rotten eggs and burning filled her nose and stimulated her gag reflex. If her adrenaline wasn't running so high as she squirmed in her assailants grasp, she would have thrown up on them.

"Ssso you're the little human that'ss got my king all tenssse," The attacker laughed with a hiss. It spoke English, but it's voice was not human. It almost sounded like a snake was speaking to her. It sent a chill through Chloe's bones. She thought her heart may have stopped beating for a moment when it said "my king."

My king.

One face popped into her head and she fought harder when she realized who or what was attacking her.

The demons were back, just as Lucifer feared, and they were coming for her.

Chloe started kicking and squirming harder in the demon's grip, screaming out and trying to bite it's hand as she did, but to no avail. It was too strong her her.

"Won't the othersss be pleassed when I bring you back," It snarled. "You'll have to sstop fighting though." With that, it raised the hand that was covering Chloe's mouth a little higher so that it covered her noise.

The smell was toxic and the lack of fresh oxygen didn't help the situation either. Chloe's muscles were losing the will to fight and her heart rate increased as her heart tried to pump blood through her body without oxygen.

Everything began to slow down and darken as Chloe felt her eyes roll back in her head.

Somewhere far away, she heart a loud BANG. Someone called her name. No. Someone used her title. Detective. Someone said detective.

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