40. The Battle of Lux

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The corvette skidded to a stop in the alley next to one of the private entrances to Lux. Doing his best to not think about the worst possible scenario, Lucifer tore off his black tie and blue vest, and unbuttoned the top two buttons of his white shirt. This suit was unbelievably old and dirty after being worn all day, especially in Hell. There was nothing he could do about it though, all of his suits were in the penthouse, and he had a sneaking suspicion that there would be a few obstacles up there. 

He traded the tie and vest for a black suit jacket he had in the trunk, just in case the detective got cold during the funeral or something. He shrugged it on and adjusted himself. 

He hesitated before leaving the car. Lucifer decided to reach into the glove box, letting his hand search until his fingers wrapped around something metallic. He smirked as he thought, Good ol' Maze and her paranoia

Maze had insisted that he always carry a Hell forged blade with him in case of emergencies. He had always rolled his eyes and dismissed the notion. He's the devil, what couldn't he fend off by himself? But still, she insisted. Erring on the side of caution, Lucifer drew the blade out of the glove box and tucked it in his breast pocket. 

Lucifer came around to the front of the building. The boulevard was quiet, too quiet. He was thankful that all of the human club-goers that normally frequented Lux and the bars and clubs around it had decided to stay in tonight. At least, he hoped they were home, and the detective wasn't the only hostage inside. 

He took one deep breath and stood up tall, calling forth all of his experience of being the King of Hell and putting down past rebellions started by all of the creatures inside. A nagging voice in the back of his head reminded him that he had been deceived by his denizens for longer than he could have imagined. None of that mattered though, right now. Lucifer had to assert himself as king, no matter what it took, even if it made him absolutely sick to think about what actions he might have to take in front of the detective.

He shouldn't be thinking about any of that now. What needed to be done was his responsibility in one form or another. He couldn't worry about the detective's reaction; he knew now that he could trust her. She had made huge strides to accept him as he is and forgive his past mistakes. They loved each other in every possible way. Whatever happens tonight, he needed to trust her.

"I'm coming, Detective." He whispered as he stood in front of the club's grand doorway. 

Lucifer pushed open the doors and strode inside, forcing a charismatic and charming smile.

"Lilith!" He called out over the hordes of demons and hellish creatures standing at the ready on his dance floor, like they were waiting for a demonic rave. 

They weren't even trying to be inconspicuous now; most hadn't even bothered to take human vessels, letting their true monstrous features show for the whole world to see.

When he still couldn't find her, he continued, "Come now dearie, nobody likes a party crasher."

A few seconds of silence ticked by until the familiar, sickeningly sweet voice he knew all too well carried through the air. 

"Perhaps you should rethink your definition of the term 'party crasher', Lucifer. You're interrupting my time with your pretty human friend."

As she finished, a section of the crowd of demons parted, revealing Lilith and a horrifying sight.

Lilith was sitting cross-legged and innocently on a bar stool in front of a row of high-top tables that had been pushed together. On top of the tables was Chloe, but it had taken him a despised moment to recognize her.

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