Mocha~ the end

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•Midoriya's POV•

What? Who is this guy, does he go to our school? And why is he hanging out with Todoroki.

"Is this another one of your little tricks? Pathetic aren't you" I spat , when did I become so spiteful?..

Todoroki sighed as he passes the smoothie back to Inasa, What's wrong with me?

"I'll be right back Inasa, Midoriya please accompany me over there" Todoroki asks me, i hesitantly follow him to the counter area.

"Do you take me for a dumbass I can tell if you're not interest jeez" Todoroki sneers and sighs.

"W-what? Then why are you here. Is that boy in on some plan?" I ask feeling confused.

"No! Not everything I do is about you... I'm just not into you anymore, I guess I kind of like someone else? I don't know it's mutual feelings which I'm not sure about okay?" Todoroki explains to me.

What's wrong with me now a days? I did the same thing worth Camie. I sigh and apologise to Todoroki after all his intentions weren't for him to make me mad he just wanted to hang out with his friend.

"I.. um I'm sorry Bakugou went so hard on you" I apologise, I knew he kind of deserved it for everything he did and he did start the fight but Todoroki ended up getting really beat up.

"No no, I deserved it. I shouldn't have been a dick to you guys. Especially Camie.. she was my best friend and my selfish intentions scared her off" Todoroki sighed.

"Hey.. I can talk to her if you want, I know you're a good guy Shoto we were friends after all" I smiled, I did feel bad and wanted to make it up to him.

We exchanged a little chat before going back to our seats, Bakugou had left a bit of cake for me which I quickly finished off. It really was delicious, we had spent what seemed like hours talking. I loved the sound of Bakugou's voice it was deep and hoarse but somehow it made him more attractive to me.

His crimson eyes melted my heart when I look into them and oh his spiky ash blonde hair just made him seem so much cooler. Ever since I first saw him he always stood out to everyone else.

I can't believe everything we've gone through has been just because of our relationship, but no matter what I would never leave him.

I got out my phone to check my social media, as I scrolled through everyone's chatsnap stories I saw a picture of Momo and Jirou kissing on someone's story.

"Woah, did you know Momo and Jirou are dating?" I beamed, I thought it was cute.

"Of course I did, I keep up with the shit what happens at school dipstick" Katsuki laughed, yeah i guess it was true.

•No POV•

Bakugou and Midoriya shared a small laugh, Midoriya turned around to see what Inasa and Todoroki were doing, but they were gone. Huh.

"I.. I should go clean up the table over there" Midoriya smiled as he got up to go to the table which Inasa and Todoroki were sat at and clean up after them.

He picked up the dishes but was surprised to see $20 left on the table, his mouth was agape as he picked it up. Under neath it sat a note.

I'm sorry, hope that there is mutual feelings between the two of us- Shoto

Midoriya bit his lip thinking, should he? I mean Todoroki has a happy relationship ship or friendship with this Inasa guy so maybe this friendship could work..

Eventually Midoriya and Bakugou began to head home around 6pm, it was like the night a few days ago but instead they were laughing and talking. Once they got to Bakugou's dorm they gave each other a quick kiss then Midoriya began to head to his own dorm.

When Izuku got home his dorm was cold, he called out for Todoroki but only received silence. Guess he was staying at Inasa's maybe? He made himself a quick pot of instant noodles and then went on his way to bed...

•Next morning at school•

Midoriya and Bakugou had arrived at school, hand in hand when they were surprised by a certain brunette.

"Izu guess what! Have you seen what Tsu posted on instantgram?" Uraraka chimed.

"What?" Izuku asked as he turned to Katsuki but received the same confused look.

"Ugh jeez you really need to check your social media more, anyways. So last night me and tsu had a girls night to spend time together" She beamed, getting more and more excited by the second.

"Yeah? Did you run out of Model magazines" Bakugou scoffed, receiving an annoyed look from Uraraka.

"No, however we did run out of popcorn. So I sent Tsu over to get another bag from the shops... aaaand on her way back she saw a certain two people cuddling on a bench" She laughed as she showed us her phone.

Both mine and Bakugou's mouth were wide open, it was a picture of Shoto and Inasa sat on a bench hugging as if they were a couple.

"Does that mean he has a boyfriend now." Midoriya smiled in relief.

"Probably but you never know" Uraraka laughed as she skipped back to her posse.

The rest of the day went pretty well, class wasn't hard and there was no problem with the day what so ever for Midoriya and Bakugou.

On the way home Bakugou suddenly stopped walking.

"Hm? What's up?" Midoriya asked.

"Look Izuku, the past time I've been with you has been crazy and amazing. After everything we've pulled through we still ended up here. After Round face, Camie, Momo and Todoroki it's nice to have no one in our way. Let's.. let's go out and celebrate" Bakugou rejoiced, holding Izuku's hands to his chest.

"Heh.. yeah let's go, what do you want to do?" Izuku asked happily.

"Let's grab a mocha.."


And that's the end, it's been lovely writing this story and I hope this last chapter wasn't too boring since it wasn't like there was much action. Thanks everyone for everything and I hope you enjoyed this book :)

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