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Katsuki Bakugou was a popular and handsome boy who all the girls adored and dreamt of being with,  yet he had an explosive personality. He was known to be a playboy/ bad boy who somehow has not been expelled from UA.

On the other hand, izuku midoriya is a shy boy who prefers to stay out of the spot light, he has marvellous grades and a steady(-ish) life. He also has a part time job at a new Starbucks which opened up down the street from his house not too long ago.

midoroiya's POV~

I stood by the counter taking people's orders while my best friend, ochoko uraraka, rambled on and on about bakugou. I had no idea why she or any girl would like him, he was a (hot 😏) playboy who received fun out toying with someone's heart...

"Huh?!" I snapped out of my thoughts which had been interrupted by uraraka who was pouting and had noticed I was spacing out.

"You we're spacing out again.... well anyways, what do you think about bakugou" she asked lovesick over the thought of him.

"Uhm I don't know... we never actually talk." I say bluntly, it's not that I don't like him it's just don't really like his personality or the type of person he is.

"He's so dreamy.. and handsome and muscular" she continued rambling on and on showing him with compliments.

"Uhm excuse me?" I turn around in shock forgetting my shift wasn't over yet.

"GAH sorry I was lost in thought and talking to my frien-" I apologised until I noticed who was standing on the other side of the cash register.

"Oh it's you bakugou" I said mumbled putting a hint of venom onto his name.

"What up nerd" he smirks.

I let out a slight sigh before asking his order just to be pulled round the corner by my friend ochako.

Uraraka's POV~

My heart skipped as I saw the handsome ash blonde male walk through the doors of the Starbucks izu worked at, even though I stared for a while to the point it would be obvious to anyone I was staring at them he never acknowledged me.... just izuku.

Without thinking I grabbed izukus hand and pulled him around to the corner where no one could hear us.

"Izuku... I know I don't work here but umm... could I maybe.. take bakugou's order" I asked fidgeting with my fingers hoping he agreed.

"Sure! Anything so I don't have to take his" he laughed, my world had brighten up.

I thanked him then ran back to the counter, but I immediately noticed his expression changed to a more gloomy one but I ignored it.

"Uhm can I just take my order" he asks, I frown at the fact he wasn't smiling or trying to make small talk with me.

"S-sure, you know I'm Not on the menu but you can still take me to go." I say trying to make my hours of searching up pick up lines to the test.

Bakugou's POV

"S-sure, you know I'm not on the menu but you can still take me to go." she flirts.

I roll my eyes, I really wasn't interested in her but then I notice the green haired nerd from school. Even though he wasn't on my level of coolness he was still pretty cute...

"No thanks I would rather your little friend" I wink whilst looking over at the green haired male. I looked back at the brown haired girl and she had a venom filled expression on her face

"Hmpf sOrrY that's he's not on the menu either . Is there anything else you would like?" She hissed while gritting her teeth

Back to uraraka's POV~

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