Peace and love~

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•No POV•

After the fight between Bakugou and Todoroki, Bakugou had been swarmed with girls left and right asking how he was that strong and if he would give them a private beating. This was why he decided to become gay ladies and gentleman. He liked the attention that was something he couldn't deny but he had a boyfriend now so things had to be different.

Bakugou decided to drive Midoriya home after school since Midoriya would be alone due to his roommate being in the infirmary but honestly Midoriya didn't really care. It was peaceful, Midoriya had waited for Bakugou to stop arguing with the principal after the fight so they ended up walking home around 5:20 which resulted in it getting dark fast already.

The two boys walked hand in hand slowly to the car park, as they got in the car they stared at each other from the corners of their eyes. Midoriya got in the passenger side and placed his hand on Bakugou's as he got in.

The drive was silent, not awkward silence from what had happened because of cause both had questions and worries. Midoriya had always worried about losing Bakugou and that he would throw Midoriya away for some hot cheerleader girl and wanted to ask if that was the case would he? And Bakugou has always been worried about Midoriya leaving him for a Todoroki or someone who is much more- kinder and calmer and wanted to ask if Midoriya ever felt something deep for Todoroki.

Of course neither asked because it was nice spending peaceful time like this together. No shouting, arguing or problems to worry about.

As Bakugou dropped Midoriya off at his front door to his dorm they exchanged a long hug, it was warm and comforting. Bakugou pulled away to head to his car but was stopped by a tug on his hand. Midoriya had a firm grip and Bakugou's hand and looked down so his messy green hair was covering his top half of his face.

"Deku I should really get going.." Bakugou said sadly, he didn't want to go but he couldn't stay or things would lead to another.

"Please... don't leave me" Midoriya whispered as he once again gripped around Bakugou's waist and pulled him into a tight and shaky hug.

"What's up?.. you want to talk inside, it's cold out here" Bakugou asked quietly.

The two walked inside the dorm, it was quiet and cold like nobody had been there in ages. Bakugou and Midoriya day on the couch hand in hand whilst Bakugou began to talk.

"What's up? You're never usually like this" Katsuki asked cornered, he knew when something was wrong with Midoriya.

"K..Katsuki, I'm just scared. Scared that one day you would leave me again for someone who is better, some girl who can satisfy you with her amazing body and beauty instead of some outcast like me. It's something which haunts me, when you started coming to the Starbucks it make me happy after a while.. someone to talk to who actually made an effort with me and didn't give up even though I was such a jerk to you" Midoriya sobbed, he knew it was a shitty thing to cry over but it really hurt him to think about.

"Izuku I-"

"And it's not just that, I'm scared not to be good enough. I wouldn't blame you if you left me for someone like Camie or Momo or Uraraka but I hate the thought of It. I'm afraid all our effort to be together will just be a waste and I'm always reminded I'm not enough but for some reason you still stay with me..." He continued to rant and cry, Bakugou bit his tongue as he tried to comfort Midoriya.

"Hey.. hey it's fine look I would never leave you... and if I'm honest I'm scared that you would leave me as well, I know I can be an idiot sometimes and a bit of a fuck up but I always try my best for you. Todoroki just came in your life and it gave so much anxiety that you would see him as a better person to be with rather than me" Bakugou explained, this made Midoriya felt a little better.

The two shared a short kiss which made them feel a little better...

-meanwhile with Todoroki-

"Um... anyways! You're Todoroki right? Shoto Todoroki, my name is Inasa Yoarashi. It's awesome to meet you" Inasa chimed, back to his yelling.

"Yeah... nice to meet you I'm Todoroki- wait oh you know that.. crap" Todoroki panicked as he just completely embarrassed himself.

"Haha I like you, you're funny. You should probably get your stuff ready to leave. I should as well too, it's 8 and I waited for you all this time" Inasa laughed .

"You waited all that time for.. me?" Todoroki asked.

There it was again, that strange feeling...

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