Baku squad night~

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•Todoroki's POV•

What?.. what the fuck is wrong with Camie. About a week ago she was busy obsessing over that asshole, now she's in a mood with me for no good reason. What a pain, oh well it doesn't matter I can still accomplish my plan... just need a few extra steps.

I walked back to my dorm to hear Midoriya's voice whispering from his room, I pressed my ear against the door in hope of hearing what he was talking about.

"Tomorrow ? Of course you know I would love to go!" He laughed, was he talking to Bakugou?!


"I'm sure Bakugou would be alright with it, we haven't hung out in ages Ochako." He said, phew but where are they going?


"Okay okay I'll meet you there tomorrow at 10" Midoriya said before ending the call I assume.

He didn't say where he was going, at least I know what time he is leaving.. I think I have an idea already....

•Bakugou's POV•

What a day it's been, at least it's almost the weekend just 2 more days and then I can finally fucking relax.

Probably best if I head off to bed soon, it's late and I don't want to be late. Nezu went off and shit at me last time.

As I got into bed and set my alarms, it began to ring the screen was bright and I answered to be greeted by....

"YO BAKUBRO" Kirishima's annoying ass voice echoed over the phone.

"Oh my god shut the fuck up it's almost midnight you idiot" I spat, I was tired and I was almost as much as an asshole when I'm awake.

"Sorry I'm at a party, me and Kami are in the VIP hot tub checking out the ladies." He practically yelled into his phone.

"Why are you fuckers out so late? plus aren't you two dating or some shit" I asked.

"Well yeah but doesn't mean we can't find other people attractive it's not like we go out with any of these girls" he replied, I mean I guess as they aren't cheating it's fine.

"Okay sure whatever, why the fuck did you call me then?" I snapped, I wanted my sleep.

"Oh yeah! I heard from the girls they were going with Midoriya to go shopping so me and the guys were wondering if you wanted to come with us to a sort of buys night! It will be super fu-"

"No" I answered

"What? Come on it will be you, me, Kami, Sero, and Mina! The baku squad!" He yelled, again.

"I thought it was a boys night? And what the fuck is the baku squad? Some fan club you made about me?" I asked.

"Oh my days... Mina is part of our squad course we have to bring her and the baku squad! We made that when we were all in like 5th grade you just forgot about it" he explained, oh.

"Fine I'll go, only because Deku is going somewhere with his friends". I agree, after that we finally end the call and I get my rest.

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