Morning in the dorm~

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•No POV•

It had been a few days since midoriya had found out about todoroki's dirty plan, even though our lil broccoli has given clear signs he is not interested, todoroki still tries with him without a clue what his crush knows.

However todoroki's flirting attempts had become more demanding and aggressive, from time to time out of no where he would grab midoriya and hold him in place. Todoroki would stroke midoriya's soft cheeks whilst the other tried to break free. He would also continuously give midoriya reasons to break up with bakugou as if there was something genuinely wrong with their relationship like.

•bakugou seems like the type of person to become toxic
•he's had way more girlfriends
•he might not even be gay
•he might cheat on him again
•he might blackmail him

Even though these options had crossed midoriya's mind, he looked past them since it just seemed todoroki was listing possible bad things which would make bakugou seem like a bad person, which he is not.

Bakugou is kind, caring and loving towards midoriya, he listens to him and makes sure he is always okay. But midoriya being the sweet person he is, never let it get to him and just replied with a laugh or a "I'm good".

Which pissed todoroki off A LOT, he wanted to be with midoriya and show him off like a trophy, make bakugou jealous of what he couldn't have. But could you Blame him?

Midoriya was the definition of perfect, his soft bouncy hair, his forest green eyes, his smooth pale, freckle covered skin and his body. It wasn't that he looked feminine or had a female like body it just wasn't very masculine, even when wearing short sleeved tops or shorts you could hardly see any muscle.

He was always teased for his figure as a child, he was very skinny which made the other kids think he was weak. But after 16 years of shame, bakugou helped him finally be able to be proud of himself and how he looks.

Midoriya was currently in his dorm eating a small plate of bacon and eggs whilst he waited for a lift to school from his boyfriend. It was 7:16 and he was hoping bakugou would get here soon before todoroki wakes up, he didn't want to deal with todoroki trying to smooth talk him into being interested. It was annoying and the fact he already was taken made it even more annoying.

He sighed as he put his plate away and heard a ping from his phone.

Bakugou 💕

Bakugou 💕:
Yo, I'm about 5 minutes away, I got stuck in traffic and the asshole behind me is beeping his horn, I'm tempted to get out of this car and show him who's boss.

Midoriya smiled at his texts as he began to type, obviously it wasn't Bakugou's fault when he was angry it was just his anger issues but midoriya found it amusing how his partner threatened to beat someone up because of something so small.

Aw what a shame, I'm ready to leave so just give me a text when your outside. Todoroki isn't up yet so try be as quick as you can. Love you 💕💕
Read by bakugou 💕 at 7:19am

Midoriya put his phone away and grabbed it heading to the door to leave so he was ready for bakugou when he came.

However, luck wasn't on midoriya's side this morning and the very voice he was hoping not to hear could be heard from behind him.

"Good morning midoriya, where are you going?"

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