⌜ chapter 8 ⌟

Start from the beginning

I got 2 pairs of boots, a couple of shirts, some skirts and skinny jeans, and some accessories.

We were just walking around, our bags in our hands.

I was losing the bet because NO FAN came up to us yet. Like NONE. I thought there were some fans in Omaha. I guessed not.

After finally deciding to go home, We walked around the mall, towards the exit.

"Guess who won the bet?" Sammy taunted, smirking down at me.

I shoved him away, not wanting to hear it.

"How did you know there won't be any fans today?" I asked, wondering how he knew because he was smirking earlier in the car.

"Well fans don't come here, well I think so because I never seen a fan around here," he shrugged.

Once we got outside, we saw some girls standing outside the entrance.

"Oh my god, it's Sammy," a girl cried. I looked around and noticed it was just like 5 girls crowding each other.

"Until now," he muttered to me.

"Hey guys," We greeted, walking to over them.

"How long were you guys here?" Sammy asked, signing something.

"Not that long, we saw your tweet," a girl said, smiling.

"I didn't tweet anything?" Sammy sounding confused.

"Oh you didn't, Mady did," the same girl nodded at me.

"What's your name?" I asked her.

"Brooke," she says smiling.

"Do you want to take a picture?"

She nodded, taking out her phone. She passed her phone to a girl who I'm guessing is her friend.

While I took the picture with her, I could feel Sammy staring at me.

I felt my phone vibrate. I took it out.

Twitter: @jackgilinsky retweeted your tweet.

Twitter: @jackgilinsky favorited your tweet.

We took pictures with the other girls and followed them on Twitter.

"It was nice meeting you guys," I say, "And be safe tonight if you're playing with fireworks," I added, they nodded.

We said our goodbyes and walked quickly towards his car, getting inside.

"That was a foul," Sammy pointed out, putting on his seatbelt.

"I tweeted and deleted it like 5 minutes later," I shrugged, putting my seatbelt also, "And I also won the bet," I smirked.

"That's cheating," he says, turning on the car.

"You didn't name any rules," I laughed, nodding at the beat of the music playing from the radio.

Shaking his head, "Why didn't I think of that?" he says to himself, pulling out the parking lot.

I laughed again, him being frustrated at himself.

My phone started ringing and the caller ID was "Jack Johnsoners". I pressed accept, putting on speaker.

"Yellooooow, you're on speaker," I greeted, holding my phone in between me and Sammy.

"Yo Mads," he greeted, "Wait who else is listening?" he asked, confused.

"Young Johnson, how are yah mah man?" Sammy greeted.

JJ laughed on the other line, probably shaking his head.

"Me and G were just leaving the studio," Johnson says. I heard car keys being jingled and the car ignition being turned on in the background.

"Okay so why are you calling?" I asked confused, staring out the windshield.

"Such sass Mads," Jack suddenly says in the phone, while the boys laugh. I'm guessing we were on speaker also.

"I was thinking of having like a small bonfire at my place in my backyard, just us with some of our friends," JJ says.

"I hope the bonfire is in your backyard," I joked while Sammy chuckled beside me, a smile appeared on my face.

"We could also pop fireworks," Jack butted in.

"You in?" Johnson asked.

I raised my eyebrows at Sammy, wanting to know his answer.

He looked at me for a split second then back at the road, not wanting to cause a car accident.

"I'll go if you go," he paused, "we don't have to go, we could just order pizza and watch Netflix," he suggested, tapping his fingers on the steering wheel.

"Oh she's definitely coming, she loves fireworks," Jack says, probably grinning right now.

I chuckled and nodded, it's true.

"Then I guess we're going," Sammy says, smiling at me.

I smiled back, "We're in," I say into my phone.

"Great," JJ says, sounding excited.

"Do you need anything?" I asked.

"Definitely fireworks," Jack said, he paused, "Um I guess smores or something, we got the drinks."

"You got it man," Sammy says, turning into the supermarket.

"See you in a few," I say, hanging up.

Sammy parked the car, turning off the ignition.

"Let's go," I grinned and we got out.

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