Chapter 20- Bad person.

Start from the beginning

Bad person, got it.

'Who the hell is she, it's okay Layla, Landon's upstairs whoever this is, he won't let hurt you.' she said, with a soft tone in my head just like she'd do when the boys would abuse me.

Right, right, Landon is upstairs.

"You know frankly you're just a runt, I'm surprised he hasn't rejected you already." her voice brought me back to reality as she slowly walked around the counter, my feet rooted to the spot.

I noticed how her blue eyes flickered between black and blue. This was not good, what have I done to get her so angry already, that her wolf wants to come out.

"Maybe he's just faking it to hurt you, then he'll reject you, it makes sense." she mumbled the last bit to herself and my eyes widen.

For a minute, I found myself thinking that too, was he just faking it?

Suddenly she was right in front of me, "I have been here four times a month to take care after Landon's sick mother." she hissed angrily, "Checking on her even watching her for him, and I've found myself not doing it for her but, for him and just because your his mate, you're not going to ruin that." she crazily ranted before a growl was heard and my vision blurred.

My foot tripped over the step and I fell to my back from her push, feeling my head connect with the ground. Pain enveloped my head as I groaned from the sudden impact. My ears rang loudly and tears came to my eyes involuntarily. After a second, I heard muffled yelling before it cleared and I slowly sat up. When my eyes opened I couldn't believe the sight in front of me, something I'd never want to see.

Landon was holding the girl by the neck, pressing her against the wall. Audrey was yelling for her son to stop but, his anger was just rolling off in waves. Even from this length I felt it, my emotions were just as haywire. I was scared to see Landon so mad, it reminded me of just what he's capable of. The anger seemed to all be directed to the whimpering girl, he had in his grasp.

"Layla." Audrey's faint voice yelled to me, I looked behind me to see her only half ways on the stairs, "He won't listen to me now, tell him to stop." she stated, her eyes were alert and she seemed in shock.

I want to tell him to stop as well, this was just all to unreal. To be truthful, I was scared. So scared, that I made no sound at all. It was amazing that I could find any piece inside of me, that felt it was okay to speak amidst the craziness.

"L-Landon." The sound of my voice was a mere breath, and lower than I'd expected it to come out.

At first I didn't think he heard me in his growling state, those once gorgeous hazel eyes now in a swirl of black. In that moment he snapped his head towards me so fast I flinched. It had dawned on me that this was the first I've said his name, his features seemed to relax more but, it didn't help. In a second he growled turning back to the girl, he seemed to be having a debate with himself.

With a shaky breathe I began to get up slowly as I eyed him, the girls eyes were wide, sounds of distress coming from her.

"I-I'm okay." I whispered to his shaking form, he looked back over to me, his charcoal eyes scanning me before his eyes started to change.

They swirled into a hazel color and he shook his head, placing the girl down with a stunned expression. It looked like he was in just as much shock, his eyes found mine and they held such conflict behind them. Before he brought them upwards to his moms direction. I was just shaken up, I needed my room, my tiny room. Then again Landon seemed so vulnerable, in a state I hadn't seen him in, maybe he needed me.

'Go to mate' she said, as if knowing how I felt towards him but, my fear overpowered anything right now.

"Go home, Rachel." Mrs. Carter spoke through the silent air, "You won't need to be returning."

So that was her name, I dropped my head to look at the ground feeling his heated stare. Did I always have to be put in this position, the victim. Footsteps were heard then a door closing, I genuinely didn't know what to do. I felt his gaze on me, yet nothing. Then I heard footsteps again, the door opened and it slammed, making me jump.

When I looked up, I seen Landon was gone.


Hello everyone, I'm so so so so sorry for slow updates, but, starting today I'm going to be writing and updating a lot more since well everyone's pretty much on lockdown so why not.

In regards to that I hope you all are doing good and are staying healthy.

How do you think Landon's feels now that he's broken his golden rule? How about Layla and Audrey?

Do you think this will affect Layla's and Landon's progress?

Where did Landon go?

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter, have a good day/night/ afternoon ily!

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