chapter 36: Mental entertainment

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"FINE!! then I Don't know Anything!!"

"You dare call yourself brainless? There is still insolence flowing through your veins."

"I Don't Even know what that means!!"

"No matter. You and I are going to return. That blonde shall be our king, and we will conquer the earth dwellers together-"

"I-I'm not in love With anyone.

She lets out a Cackle, "We both know that's a lie."


he was right.
Yet maybe she wasn't.

Instinct tells me i belong with bakugo, my past experiences with evil men try dragging me back into a dark relationship, with shinso.

I'd literally bickered back and fourth with my own reflection, staring down at the pond. The previous statement Imprinted my mind; the mark Was intense, yet took quite the while before it finally sank in.

"-But I-" my features shift, rage evident within my furrowed brows, and glossed orbs. I narrow my eyes, scooping the water into my Hands.

It burnt so bad, and the substance gave off some sort of toxic property That made contact with water End with burn wounds. Smoke billows against the blowing wind.

"What. What The Hell did you just say???"

The silence, was unwelcoming. Unsettling even. I wanted nothing more than to rid myself of this evil voice before, but now; I was literally willing to point a gun to my head just to hear the voice again.

Then it hit me.

When I died, my father....he purposefully got me to use my quirk on him. He wouldn't have been so willing to drop the truth just like that.

When my face started melting,
That's when the Voices started appearing.

But when I died, and used my human powers to attack my father, I severed the link, and somehow...

The cat from before. That was just a hallucination.

If he had the power to make me see things like that, he had to have had the power to...

He masked that cats voice.
He manipulated me so easily.
Is this what he's really been up to with me??

If I had just told sensei what was happening to me, I wouldn't have died.
Because of My foolishness, the Ruler of Valhalla himself has gained an entirely new realm to Destroy with his wrath.

"Y-You're not me."

"Y-Yes I am!! Incolent child-"

"You're my father."

"You truly are just as dimwhitted as your mother. It took you quite the while to figure it out."

"No matter. When you died, you made a deal with me."

"And you used this deal to return back from the dead."

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