Chapter 141: I don't need help

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"Well, when I was in the middle of a fight with a villain, I felt a pop in my chest, then the next thing I knew I was falling." I explained.

He turned back to the computer and clicked on a few things, "From what the chart shows that was graphed by the monitor...your heart literally exploded rather than simply stopping." He then turned to me and said, "I'm surprised that you're alive honestly. What did you do?"

Aizawa was sitting on a chair in the corner with his arms crossed. I looked to him, asking silently if I should explain, which he then motioned me to go on. I then explained quietly since I don't like talking about my quirks to people who I don't really know, "I have a quirk that prevents me from dying. I mean, I do die, but my body heals itself and generates what it needs to recover."

The doctor then turned back to the computer and clicked on a few things before saying in an unsure tone, "In your file it shows nothing for a quirk." he then looked to Aizawa, "You're her guardian, correct?" Aizawa unfolded his arms and nodded his head. "Why's that? Why is a quirk not written in her file?"

"I'm not sure." Aizawa said before remembering, "I suppose even in her file for school and such shows that she has a quirk, but it doesn't establish what it is."

"Do you have any idea what it is?" the doctor asked him.

"Well, Y/N is sitting right there. I mean, she may know; it is her quirk." Aizawa said, which then they both looked to me for answers.

"I'm not sure what quirk I have. I know that I can think up anything and I can do it, but I don't know if I have one or two or how many as a base. Like, for example let's say that I have two. One could be a quirk that mimics someone else's while the other heals myself and others, which prevents me from dying from anything other than old age." I explained.

"So you mean that you don't even know, yet you have multiple quirks?" the doctor asked.

I nodded my head and said nervously, "Yeah, it's confusing, I know."

The doctor turned to the computer and began to type something long before getting back to the main topic. "Well, since your heart rate has slowed down a little from what it once was, though it's still a little fast, it shouldn't cause any harm. It also still has a little bit of an arrhythmia, but that too should be fine for now. It shows that it's practically a new heart that's adapted itself to your body. So, physically wise, you're healthier than the normal human being. Mentally, I would urge you to see both a psychologist and a therapist. I know I said before that it's optional, but I strongly encourage you to see those. From seeing the self inflicted scars on your body from previous procedures, it'd be the wisest choice to seek help." he turned to Aizawa, "Since she's under eighteen, I will set up an appointment with both a psychologist and a therapist, which then they will call you for a conformation in the near future. I trust that her guardian will want to see her mental state improve, so I don't see why she shouldn't be seeing a professional."

I looked to Aizawa with the look of death, showing that I was clearly enraged by what the doctor was saying. "Alright, but what about that heart monitor that she has on?" Aizawa asked.

"Right, I'll have a nurse come in a few minutes and remove it." he said as he stood up. "Any other questions?" he said as he looked to both Aizawa and I. We were both silent. "Alright then, I'll send a nurse this way, which she should be here in a few minutes."

"Thank you." I said as he left the room. Once the door was shut, I looked quickly to Aizawa and hissed, "Bullshit."


"I'm not doing that." I said through gritting teeth as rage poured over me.

He sighed before trying to speak some sense into me, "Y/N, I understand where you come from, I really do, but you also have to think for the better of things. What if at some point in your career your mental state fogs up the task that is at hand? What would you do then? Also, don't you want to feel better? So that you aren't being weighed down?"

I didn't say anything for a few seconds before articulating in an angered tone, "Bull. Shit."

He opened his mouth to say something, but before he could get a word out, there was a knock at the door before a nurse walked in with the same white box as before. She pulled back a curtain so that she could remove the monitor that was glued to my skin. Trying to remove that hurt like a bitch. I swear on my life that they used mother fucking super glue and that they ripped off my skin. I mean, there was a red spot there for a couple weeks after that. Anyways, once we were able to leave the little room, we met back up with Yamada and Eri. I tried to hide my anger so then Eri wouldn't know how furious I was. We then went to the car and started for the apartment.

"So," Yamada started, "how did it go?"

"It went great. I don't have to go back in; I'm all healed." I said as though nothing was wrong while Aizawa shot him a glance that told him that he needed to talk to him later about it.

When we got back, Yamada made supper, which I did the dishes afterwards with Eri helping me by drying them. After that, she said that she was really tired even though it was still quite early. She went off to bed while I started on making up the work that I missed while I was down for the count. I sat at the table as I started to fly through the papers. Once I had only one paper left, both Aizawa and Yamada came to the table and sat on their normal chairs on the other side of the table. I looked up to them and noticed that they looked like they were up to something. I gave an expression that said I could see through them and saw that they had something up their sleeves.

"What?" I asked as I laid my pencil on the table.

Yamada was hesitant to speak, but then said, "I too think it'd be for the best if you were to seek help."

In those few words, more rage than before came flooding back. I swiftly put my hands below the table as if I was going to flip it, which I planned to, but then I remembered that Eri would be alarmed by the ruckus, so I was only able to lift it up a few centimeters before I sat it back down. I looked back up to them, which I noticed that Yamada scooted his chair back a little and was ready for something to be thrown at him while Aizawa sat there, looking like he didn't even flinch at my little outburst.

"Over my dead body." I said through gritted teeth as I kept my hands still on the bottom of the table.

"Well, I guess that it won't be happening then if that's the case." Aizawa said lazily to Yamada.

"Sho..." Yamada wined quietly.

He sighed as he looked down, then looked up and said after a few seconds, "I don't know...maybe you should do it- try it at least."

I got even more pissed off. I raised my hands above my head and clenched them into fists and quickly brought them down towards the table, but slowed down an inch or two before I could slam them on the table, so I gently sat them on the table. I let out a frustrated sigh through my teeth as I brought my right hand up through my hair and clenched my hand again into a fist. I quickly looked up, making Yamada jump a little while Aizawa still didn't flinch. I shot up, pushing the chair back as I stood up while I kept my hands on the table, then turned towards the entryway.

Just as I made it around the corner, Aizawa asked in a tired tone, "Where do you think you're going?"

I popped back around the corner, "To blow off some steam." I then turned back to put on my shoes.

While I did that, I heard footsteps, "Y/N, get back here. You better not go pull a Bakugo." Aizawa said in a tone that made it sound like he had a realization.

Just as I opened the door, I heard Yamada say, "Relax, she doesn't have her quirks right now, so it's not like she can go far."

I closed the door behind me before I could hear anymore and stormed down the sidewalk.

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