Chapter Nine

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From last chapter:
    Few hours later it was lunch. As I walked out of my class I saw Edward there. He said, "Hey Y/N." Smiling at me as I walked to the lunch line. I wanted to ask if he eat human food but I can't ask him now. Not in the line. As I grabbed my food we walked to a empty table. He asked me a lot about myself. But, one thing took me by surprise was he asked what was my favorite color. I said, "Today it is brown. It changes everyday. The color brown is your eye color. It looks pretty." I smiled as I took a bite of my pizza. He continued asking me questions.

  When the bell rings I gets up and I walked to the bio room. He keep asking me questions. Then I asked,"Edward one question. I need to ask." He nodded and I said,"Do you eat like me or no?" He sighs and he said, "I don't eat food. Now I'm going to keep asking the questions." When class ends he stopped asking me questions.
  When class ends he didn't do what he did last time. He waited for me at the door. He said, "Do you wan to go to you gym class or want to ditch?" I sighed and said, "I have to go to class, Edward." Jessica looks at us and smiled. She walked to us and ask me, "What happened?" I looked at Edward and smiled and kisses my head and walked away. I said, "We just ate and he drove me home. Nothing else." She walked away. I sighed as I walked to class.
  When school Edward was waiting for me at his car. I smiled and walked over there. He said,"Tomorrow she will ask you about us." I got in the car and said,"I know we are dating but I don't want her to know." He laughed and got in the car. As he said, "What's wrong with me Y/N?" I looked out of the window and said, "I don't hate you I just don't like her. She wants to be in everything." He started driving me home.
  He said,"I'll be back in a hour I want you to meet my family." I looked at him and nodded as I got out of the car. An hour later I heard a knock at the door. My dad said,"Who is that?" I walked to the car and said,"It's Edward. dad." I open the door and Edward hugged me. He said to my dad, "I'm bringing her to my house to meet my family Mr. L/N." My Dad nodded and said,"Bring her in one piece please."
I walked to his car and sighed,"Does your family like me?" He nodded as he open the passenger door for me. I got into the car. I said, "Ok what are we going be doing?" He hold my hand and said,"Your going to going know all of our stories okay Y/N." I nodded as he drove to a forest.
  I asked,"I thought we are going to your house?" He smiled and said,"We are." Then, I saw a beautiful house. I asked, "Is that your house?" He nodded as he parked the car. Alice will be at the door. Just case you want to know." I got out of the car and smiled and said,"Ok Edward." I walked to the front door. Then Alice opens the door and hugs me saying,"Hello Y/N. Boy you smell good." Then you hear Edward growl. I said, "Thanks Alice. Hello Jasper." Jasper nodded and he looked like he was in pain. I shook his hand and held Edward's hand. Edward walked upstairs with me. "I'll show you Carlisle story." He walked to the office looking door. As he knocked I heard someone say to come in.
I got my mojo back. Thanks for reading this far.


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