Chapter Nine (eclipse)

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From last chapter:

I didn't kiss him and I pulled away. I said,"What are you doing Jacob?!" I slapped him and screamed in pain.
  I said,"Drive me home now Jacob." He sighed and drove me home. When we got there I saw Edward's car behind us. I got out and Edward got out and walks to the front door. Edward said,"Don't touch Y/N ever again!" I hugged him and Jacob said,"She doesn't know what she wants." Edward growls and said,"Just give her the word. Not kiss her out of nowhere!" Then my dad walked out and said,"No fighting in front of the house. What happened?"
  Jacob said,"I kissed Y/N." I sighed and said,"And I broke my hand because of it." Edward said,"Mr.L/N I'll bring her to my dad so he can see what happened. And i will bring her back in one piece." I smiled and got in Edward's car and waited for Edward to get in the car.
  He walked to the car and got in. He said,"Victoria has a group of newborns. We have to fight them. It's happening in a few weeks." I sighed and said,"I hit a werewolf and broke my hand."

*Time skip because I'm lazy*

  Edward was driving me home and said,"Y/N I'll be fighting. Okay." I looked at him and said,"You can't leave me alone again. Please don't leave me."
  He sighed and said,"Y/N what am I going to do with you?" I held his hand and said,"You can turn me into a vampire then Victoria won't attack you."
  He said,"I won't turn you. You have to marry me Y/N." I sighed and said,"If I marry you. You will turn me?" He parked and said"Y/N I love you. But, if you want to become like me. You have to marry me. Your dad is at the front door." He gets out and I got out and walked to the front door. I looked at the apace where Edward's car was.
  I sighed and opened the door. He said,"How's your hand?" I closed the door and said,"I didn't break my hand. I just sprained it. Dad I'm going to bed night." I walked to my room and sighed.
  I opened the door and saw Edward was there. I smiled and closed the door behind me. He said,"I have something for you." I layed on the bed and said,"What is it Edward?"
Thanks for reading.


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