Chapter Two

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   I walked in the class after the teacher walked in and he said,"Hey Y/N L/N you sit next to Edward Cullen."Points at Edward and he raised his hand then put it down. I walked to the desk and sat down. At the corner of my eye I saw that Edward was sitting on the edge of his sit and looks liked he smells something bad. So I smelled my hair. It smelled like my watermelon shampoo so I don't smell that bad. The teacher starts class and I already did this so I started taking notes to keep my eyes down. And Edward never let himself to be comfortable his hands were in fists. I thought, 'Did I do something wrong?' Few minutes later class ends and Edward got up fast and walked to the door before anyone got up. I got up and looked at my schedule, " I got gym great" I said. Walking the the gymnasium. When gym class end and I went to the rest of my classes. Thinking about how Edward Cullen was acting around her. As she walked in the main office she saw Edward asking to change his biology. "Any time will do." As the door closed he looks at me. He says,"I guess you can't. Sorry for bothering you." He walks out looking mad. I walked to her and gave her the paper. Her says,"You  found all of your classes?" I nodded smiling."I'll be going now."
   I walked out thinking,' he doesn't like me and changing the class.' As I walked to my car then saw Edward waiting his brothers and sisters. ' I hope he doesn't hate me ' I sigh and get in my car. Jessica walks to my car,"Y/N, how did your first day go?"smiling at me, waiting for me to answer her. "It was interesting. And I hope I have more classes with you." I said waiting for her to take the lie. She nodded and walked to her car. I started my car and drove home. That night I dreamed about Edward.
   I woke up with the sun from the window. It was great because it means it would be warm today so I got dressed and went downstairs. My dad was about to leave for work as he said,"Y/N, have a great day at school." He walked out closing the door behind him. I ate breakfast and drove to school. I was on time but, I didn't see the Cullens car. And I thought that was weird but, it was sunny. Jessica walks to my car and says," your early." I smiled and said,"better than being late. And by the way why isn't the Cullens here today?"
   As i got of my car she said,"Everytime it is sunny the dad Carlisle Cullen take them on a hiking trip. It weird though." I nodded and walked to my first period thinking that it is weird that they don't stay at school when it is sunny.

*Time skip cuz I'm lazy*

  Few days of the sun it I didn't see the Cullens for a few days. But, today it was looking like it would snow. I hate snow.(if you don't I'm sorry) walked to my car and drove to school. ' I hope he's gear today' smiling to myself as, I pull up to the school I see the Cullens car. "Their here today. That's good." I said it to myself.
*Another time skip since I'm lazy*
  I walked into my bio class and saw Edward was in a good mood so I smiled to myself. I went down to sit and he turned to me. He said, "Sorry for introduced myself to you. I'm Edward Cullen." He smiled at me. I felt my cheeks start to get warm. "I'm Y/N L/N." Smiling at him hoping he blushes too. But, he didn't he looked at the teacher till the class was over.
  He was the first person to get out of the room. ' his eyes are golden brown now. How?' I thought as I went to gym class.
  As school ends I put my headphones in and walk to my car. Then, I heard a screech of wheels as well as a thud. Then, I looked up to Edward. I knew he was about 10 feet away from me. "How? Edward you were near your car." I said very confused. He said,"I was right next to you Y/N." I knew that wasn't there with me.
   After being out into a hospital against my will. My dad walks in, "What happened??" I looked at Edward giving him the face that he will tell me what really happened. I said still looking at Edward, "well I was saved by Edward. He saved me from becoming a sandwich." He says to Edward,"thanks young man."
  All Edward did was just nod. As the doctor walks in. The doctor said,"Y/N your free to go and Edward thanks for helping her." As I get up I say to Edward,"your telling me what really happened." He said,"Y/N I was right next to you. Just forget about it." I frowned at him, "you were at your car, 10 feet away ok."


Another Cliff hanger sorry but, right it is 9pm on a school night. So I'm trying to write as much as I can before I go to bed.


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