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I could hear two voices a male and a female from what I could make out.
"Oh Adam do you think she's alright?" The woman asked.
"I don't know Barbara." The man said.
Wait a minute Adam and Barbara where...no it couldn't be they died....unless there the ghosts.
"Adam? Barbara? Is...is it really you?" I ask uncertain I'm talking to anyone at all.

There was no answer.
"Guess I'm talking to myself." I say to myself in particular.
I turned the lights on to see better and what I saw shocked me.
First of all the attic light switch turned on these extremely pretty fairy lights.
The lights hung above a model of the town I knew oh so well.
Definitely Adams. I thought to myself.
Adam was always good at making things so it wouldn't have been hard. Apparently it was his passion to make and build these things. In fact if I recall he had a hardware store before Barbara and he had died.
I looked around a little more before carefully placing down the box I was given.

As I closed the door over I could hear the voices again.
"Adam, do you think she can see us?" The female said.
"I don't know Barbara maybe." The male replied.
I must be going crazy. I always thought I was different maybe there's more to it than I'd thought. I think to myself heading down towards my room.

It had been about an hour or so after I was in the attic. I was just laying on my bed thinking of how unfun school would be now that Lydia was gone.
I thought I could hear rustling and rummaging around the attic.
Choosing to think it was my dad I shrugged it off. I was snapped out of my thoughts by my mother calling me for dinner.
"Y/N sweetheart, come down for your dinner!"

"Coming mother" I shouted back getting up off of my bed. But just as I was about to head downstairs something caught my eye.
Mr Beetleman I couldn't believe it sitting on the stairs to the attic was Mr Beetleman only he seemed to be wearing a black and white striped suit instead of what he was wearing when I saw him. Why was the handyman in the house? How did I not hear him come in? I thought my dad must have called him. It didn't make sense though when I was with Lydia last week nothing in the house was broken and he fixed the sink. Didn't he? Of course he did you watched him. You reminded yourself.
I rubbed my eyes making sure I wasn't seeing things and sure enough when I looked up he was gone.
Maybe I should see a doctor. I thought to myself.
I continued on downstairs to eat dinner.

I finished dinner and washed the dishes and then decided to go to bed because I had school tomorrow and I was tired.

As I entered my bedroom I began to get changed into my pajamas. As I always usually felt. I felt like I was being watched. It sent shivers down my spine. I quickly put on the rest of my pajamas. I wore a oversized black hoodie and dark purple and navy striped pajama bottoms. Had to keep my brand.
As I lay down on my bed for the second time that day I sighed.
That's when I heard it. That's when my life changed forever.

"What's the matter baby?" A somewhat familiar gravely voice asked. I jumped and looked in the direction of where the voice came from. I gasped. I knew that, that voice was familiar.
"Mr....Mr Beetleman?" I saw him again. Mr Beetleman was there in my room wearing that same black and white striped suit. The same one as earlier. That's when I realized two things.
A) I have not been seeing things so I'm not going crazy.
B) Mr Beetleman was FLOATING. Yeah you heard me. Dude can FUCKING FLOAT.

Mr Beetleman looked at me with a surprised look on his face.
"Holy shit can you....can you actually see me?" He asked moving a little bit closer. Now he had more of a confused look on his face.
I stared at him almost as confused as he was.

"Why are you in my house and why can you float? You didn't do that when you were fixing the sink." I say sitting up to get a better look at him.

"Oh right...you think I'm Mr Beetleman huh?" He asked with a hint of sadness in his voice.

the best friend (Beetlejuicexreader) (COMPLETE) Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu