Bursting into the studio, she immediately finds him sitting at his desk talking to Hoseok. When they turn to see who's entered the room so abruptly, Hoseok stops mid-sentence and stands in front Yoongi protectively.

"Moonhae-", Hoseok starts calmly, but instantaneously get cuts off.

"What the hell, Yoongi?!", she yells at him.

He doesn't say a thing, just avoids her gaze with a depressed expression. Instead, he lets Hoseok speak up for him again.

"Please don't be upset with him. It's been a lot. For everyone", he sighs.

"No, she actually has every right to be upset...", Yoongi's small voice is barely audible, "You can leave us to talk..."

Hoseok looks like he wants to protest, seeing Moonhae's expression, but concedes, knowing there's a lot the two of them need to work out. Slowly shutting the door behind him, the air in the room only seems to be getting heavier.

"So i-is it true?", she stammers, "You fell in love with me?"

The brunette boy only nods, staring blankly down at his feet.

"Why didn't you just talk to me?", she huffs out.

"And what would I have said?", anger creeps into his own voice now, "'Moonhae, I think you're the love of my life, but you have an abusive boyfriend and then somehow you're kissing me, but oh wait- now you're suddenly dating one of my best friends?'"

Her breath gets caught in her throat. He had feelings for her when she was still with Jaewon? Could it be he had loved her for as long as Taehyung had?

"Oh my god...", Moonhae finally remembers the day she kissed him to see if she had feelings for him. She had said she didn't feel a thing and was elated, but he...

"Yoongi, I'm so sorry. I had no idea", she slowly shakes her head in shame.

"Yeah... I wish you hadn't kissed me", he mumbles in response.

"But... Do you still...?", she can't bring herself to ask.

"Have feelings for you?", he finally looks up at her, "I still love you, but not in that way... It's taken me a while to work through everything, but I finally feel like I can close that chapter. That's why I felt like I needed to release that song. It's like when I released The Last. That shit was showing everyone my raw emotions and struggles and it healed me. I spent so long pouring my heart into the music, I needed to share it. I didn't even think about how the fans would connect the dots though. I'm sorry about that."

"No, you shouldn't have to apologize", she shakes her head again, "I'm sorry for being so ignorant. I just had no idea..."

"Well, I didn't really want you to know. I value our friendship too much. And when I realized how much Taehyung loves you, I knew I couldn't look at you in that way anymore", he sighs out.

"I don't even know how he'll react to this", her stomach turns again.

"It's fine, I'll just have one more person mad at me", he shrugs with a sad smile, "The cost of healing yourself, I guess..."

"Yoongi...", she carefully pulls the sitting boy into her arms, hoping to give him the least bit of comfort.

"...Yoongi?", a deep voice then startles her from behind.

Releasing the depressed boy from her embrace, she turns to see Taehyung standing in the doorway. He doesn't look upset, not even at the sight of her comforting him. He looks sorrowful, his saddened eyes trained on the two.

"Taehyung, I-", Yoongi starts, but he quickly interrupts.

"Is this why you needed to know my feelings about her all those months ago?", he asks as if the girl he's talking about isn't even in the room.

The elder just stares down at his feet again.

"What is he talking about?", Moonhae gazes back and forth between them, highly confused.

"I asked him how serious his feelings for you were, back before he confessed to you", he explains quietly.

"And that's why you didn't make a move on her? Because I was in love with her?", Taehyung seems teary-eyed.

"Of course", he answers in a whisper.

"But you never told me how you felt", the younger chokes up, "If I would have known..."

"No, no", Yoongi stops him from finishing that sentence, "I don't want to think about what could have been different. It's what I was doing non-stop until I realized I needed to let go in order to be myself again. The way things are now... The way you and her are now, that's how things are supposed to be. I wouldn't wish it any other way."

"Yoongi...", both of them gaze at him with mournful, yet touched expressions.

The boy who means the world to them was broken because of them and they had no idea the entire time. Now he's finally healing, but they can't help feeling sorry for him and disappointed in themselves. Through his reassurance, things will go back to normal between all of them, but the fans who have now witnessed their messy dynamic through Yoongi's new song, won't be able to get over the fact that he had feelings for Moon so quickly.

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