"She was- she was dating me to make her ex jealous. But he d-didn't get affected and moved on. Then Jackson asked her out and s-she said yes."

"Wait what?! She did what!" Mingyu yelled feeling the same anger bubble inside of him just as yugyeom.

"She dated you for a whole fucking month only to make her ex jealous and then run off with Jackson! What kind of twisted sick brain does she have?!" Eunwoo emphasized with wide eyes.

"Guys let's not-" jaehyun was interrupted by an angry yugyeom.

"I'm going to kill her." He said before stroming off to find Jeongyeon.

"Yugs don't!" Jungkook tried to stop him but it was of no use. Yugyeom had already left.

Mark hastily wiped his tears and ran after yugyeom with the rest of the boys following him.

"You fucking bitch! How dare you play with mark's feelings like that huh!" Yugyeom yelled at Jeongyeon as soon as he saw her sitting with her friends in the cafeteria. Her eyes were wide with shock and she frantically looked around spotting Jackson who was looking at them with anger and curiosity.

"You girls are such hypocrites. Honestly. You cry to the world about us boys playing with your feelings, but then, what happens when you do the same?"

"Yugyeom stop it. You're creating a scene." Jungkook held yugyeom's arm and pulled him but yugyeom didn't budge.

He'd had enough of this girl hurting his best friend. He knew Jeongyeon was bad news the moment he heard Mark and her were dating but he didn't voice his disapproval since Mark liked her so much. But he was done, he was sick and tired of listening to Mark complain about how Jeongyeon stood him up after he set their date reasoning that she had other important work to do. She'd barely ever answer his calls or reply to his texts. Yugyeom always had a doubt that she was cheating on him but he prayed that he was wrong.

"Yugyeom please. Let's just leave." Mark pleaded hiding behind yugyeom.

"Just because Mark liked you, it didn't mean that you could use him and dump him out of nowhere when you got bored!"

"Hold up. You were dating Mark?" Jackson butted in. "You told me you guys were project partners or something?"

Mark's eyes widened at that. Jeongyeon had her head lowered while the entire cafeteria gave her judgemental looks. Mark tired to stifle his cries and pull yugyeom away again, not wanting to hurt his crush anymore. No matter how bad she had treated him, she didn't deserve to be humiliated like that.

"I was confused okay! The moment I realized I liked Jackson I broke up with Mark." Jeongyeon shrieked out her reason only for yugyeom to roll his eyes at her.

"Don't fucking lie. You didn't even like him, you were just using him to make your ex jealous." Yugyeom snarled glaring at Jeongyeon. Gasps were heard and Mark felt a hurtful pang in his chest. He ran out of the cafeteria with mingyu, jaehyun and eunwoo hot on his heels.

"C'mon, that's enough drama for today." Jungkook murmured pulling yugyeom who let himself be pulled by jungkook this time. While walking out jungkook caught Taehyung's eyes but couldn't understand his expression.

Once he reached his friends he suggested skipping the rest of the day and going back to his house to chill for a while. The group of boys made their way towards jungkook's house trying to cheer Mark up. They goofed around and hit each other to make Mark laugh which had been successful. Reaching the Jeon residence they made themselves comfortable in jungkook's room. Mingyu and jaehyun were cuddling Mark on jungkook's bed while eunwoo helped jungkook prepare snacks. Yugyeom chilling on jungkook's bean bag chair.

Hey, I'm sorry we can't hang out at my house today. My friends are here to chill for a while.

Jungkook sent the message to Taehyung as he stood next to the microwave waiting for the popcorn.

No worries. We can meet any day you want. Also, I hope your friend is alright?

He's fine I guess. We're still trying to figure out stuff and cheer him up.  

Maybe get him some ice cream. It helps.

Will do that! Now I gotta go.
See ya soon?

Yep see ya soon. :)

Jungkook smiled at the little smilie emoji in Taehyung's text. Suddenly, as if he realised something, he stopped smiling and felt weird. It was an unrecognisable feeling, confusing him. So he decided to ignore it for now since this wasn't about him. Mark needed him right now and he's going to be there for his friend.

"What took you so long?" Mingyu whined as jungkook entered with a bowl of popcorn.

"Sorry sorry, I got distracted. Here it is now."

"You're forgiven." Jaehyun said. "Hey Mark, do you know jungkook has a secret he wants to tell us?"

"What! Spill! Now!" Mark demanded and it was as if he had totally forgotten about his break up. Which was good but still jungkook wasn't sure how good it was.

"Um, well.. okay I know you guys won't judge me so I'm just going to say it." Jungkook breathed out.

"I think I'm gay." He said cautiously, looking for some sort of reaction. But all he got were blank stares.

"Uh guys?" Jungkook waved his hand in front of them to get their attention which he thought was diverted.

"Am I allowed to say I knew it or are we going to pretend?" Yugyeom said nonchalantly, earning a slap to his shoulder by eunwoo.

"You guys knew?"

"We had a hunch." Mingyu said.

"You haven't been satisfied with your recent relationships and we know you're not a fuckboy. So it was kind of clear that you're confused." Mark explained. "We just didn't know about what you're confused with."


"So, are you still confused?" Jaehyun asked. "I could give you the book I'm reading but I don't know how much it would help."

"Wait you're gay too?" Mark asked.

"No, I'm just reading a gay themed book. It's interesting."

"Actually," jungkook caught their attention again. "I think I'm sure that I'm gay."

"Do you like a guy?" Eunwoo asked.

"Um nope. But like, I made a deal with someone and till now everything we did; I liked it." Jungkook grinned. The boys were now excited to know more.

"What deal?"

"Who's the guy?"

"When did this happen?"

"What did you do?"

"Give the details you shithead!"

Jungkook shrugged and grinned widely.

"I'm friends with benefits with Kim Taehyung."

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