Ashton saw the serious expression on his boyfriends face. "This would make you feel better?" Luke nodded. Ashton sighed pulling him into a tight hug first. "Don't cry. I'll lay down." He gave in wiping the tears that had already fallen. "If anything happens you're waking me up." Luke nodded,"Of course." Then like that, Ashton laid down, his eyes closing immediately once he hit the pillow. Soon Luke heard his soft snores while he did his homework while watching out the window.


3 hours had passed, and in that 3 hours, Luke finished his homework and watched out the window. In the meantime, he noticed how many couples love making out in their cars outside their houses. He wasn't watching like a creep, he just glanced at them then looked away. He also noticed how many couples get into fights too, he's seen husbands leave and then come back within those three hours. It was very chaotic, however, still very entertaining.

As he was watching, he saw Michael and Ricky pull into the driveway and figured this would be a good time to wake Ashton. So he climbed on the bed, hovering over him while he shook him awake gently. "Ashton, wake up. They're here."

When his eyes fluttered open, an angry expression rested on his face as to why someone was waking him up from his sleep, but seeing when it was only Luke, it softened. He flashed Ashton a small smile when his eyes were open all the way. "Michael and Ricky are here." He spoke which got a groggy groan out of him. He wrapped his arms around Luke's slim waist tightly as the skinny boy took the hint and laid himself down on Ashton's chest.

"I can get used to waking up to you forever." He spoke raspily. "Well, you basically have been." Luke giggled. "Yeah and it's been pretty great, but it's not everyday though. When I get to wake up to you everyday then that's when I know my life's complete and I did shit right." Luke blushed as he sat up and got off of him, which led to him groaning again. "Come on, I think they're waiting for you."

Ashton got up unwillingly as he gave Luke's lips a soft kiss before heading downstairs.

"Ashton, we think we know where he is." Michael spoke with hope in his voice. "Are you serious? Where?" He quickly came next to everybody around the table. "Just outside the city in the woods. He contacted us again, but through text and Logan traced it to his area." Ricky's dad was always the tech savvy one of the group, he was very smart when it came to technology. "So are we gonna go get him?" They nodded.

Luke sat there curiously as he just listened to what they were saying, not really understanding what was going on. But this time, he understood more. "You're leaving?" He asked Ashton with soft eyes, not really wanting him to, but knew he had to. "Yes I am. I will be back very soon for you. Okay? You're staying here with my mum, she'll take care of you." He spoke as Michael handed him one of the guns they kept in their basement.

Luke always seen guns on TV, but never in real life and it seemed so surreal, it didn't even look real. He even forgot Ashton knew how to use one and hoped that he would never have to use one. "I love you so much Luke." He smiled, but with some worry behind it. "I love you too, Ash. Be safe." With one quick kiss on the lips Ashton's last words before exiting the house was "Piece of cake."

"They'll be okay." His mum spoke faintly as he saw Luke watch them leave. "I know." He sighed. "So I heard from Ashton you like watching Cake Boss too." She quickly changed the topic. "You like that show too?!" He squealed with a smile as she nodded. "The guys never found any interest in it so I usually watch it alone. What do you say?" Luke nodded eagerly and they sat on the couch.

They talked about which cakes they liked the most in that episode, which ones were the coolest, or the prettiest. They also talked about how they would love to visit Carlo's Bakery one day. They definitely got closer that evening and Luke loved every ounce of it.

8 episodes later and it was almost 10 o'clock at night. "Go shower, I'll make us something. Is spaghetti good?" Luke nodded before heading up to Ashton's room, knowing where they kept the towels and extra clothes. He made sure everything was locked before going in the bathroom. He even tried to be quick just in case anything happened.

When he finished, he slipped on some of Ashton's clothes knowing he wouldn't mind and heading back downstairs to see if Anne needed help. Insisting she was fine, he patiently waited for the food to be done.

"This is really good Anne." Luke spoke with his mouth full as he shoved more into his mouth. "I'm glad you think so, Ashton isn't too fond of spaghetti."

"Well if you ever make some when we're both here, I'll gladly have his plate."

They casually talked more when the door opening disrupted them. In walked the guys, Ashton was the last of them to walk in, he looked angry. He was angry. Furious even. He didn't mutter a single word to anyone when he came inside, instead he just went upstairs and slammed his door shut. Everyone was covered in black ash and dirt. "What happened?" Anne asked.

"False alarm. It was just a trap. He tried killing us all with a bomb. No one was there. I'm sorry Luke." Ashton's dad explained. "Ashton wasn't happy about it, if you couldn't tell, he was so ready to get Victor for once and for all and when he nearly died, he was angry that he wasn't there and that we fell for it."

Luke went upstairs back into Ashton's room hearing the shower run, he sat on his bed waiting for him to get out. Slowly but surely, Ashton came out fully dressed with his hair still damp falling in front of his eyes, then going back to the window. "Ash, tell me what happened." Luke begged.

Ashton didn't answer, so Luke got behind him and gave him a hug to which he instantly feeling his tension loosen. He turned around and gave Luke a proper hug, tightly wrapping his arms firmly around his waist. "We didn't get him. That's what makes me mad and the fact that we actually fell for it. We're so fucking gullible. But I'm better now. Don't worry about me cause knowing you, you probably already are." He laughed lightly while kissing the top of Luke's head. "I'm okay."

"Well that's refreshing, but I have to ask. Are you sure? Nothings broken? You don't feel anything out of place?" Luke asked making Ashton chuckle lightly again. "No, everything's in place, nothing is broken. I'm all good baby."

"Good. I'm glad you're back here with me. I was scared." Luke admitted. "I know. I'm sorry for always scaring you. But just know, no matter what, I will always find my way back to you. I love you so much Luke, I'll never leave you." Ashton spoke with a smile as he pressed his lips against Luke's passionately. "I love you more." He muttered when they pulled away.

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