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With all sports, their school takes sports very seriously. Take football for example, it is in the beginning of the school year, but it's also towards the end too. But towards the end it's just a practice all the time. Even for the seniors, they're there to help get the rest of the team in top shape for the upcoming season. So that's where Ashton was at the moment, he still was captain of the team, but not quarterback anymore, which was fine because he was leaving anyways. Josh wasn't.

Luke was where he usually was, in the library finishing up some projects and essays since their first grading period of second semester was about to end. As he was about to finish his last essay some guy walked in loudly. He's never seen that guy before, so he must be new. The guy was immediately hushed by the librarian and he wandered around the room before sitting right in front of Luke.

"Great." He muttered to himself. "I'm Mason. I'm new." He introduced himself. "That's nice. Why did you move schools when the school year is almost over?" He asked.

"Not my choice. We got evicted from our house, the owners decided to sell it without letting us know beforehand first." Mason explained. "Well that sucks. I'm sorry." Luke genuinely apologized. "Yeah well, it is what it is. But I also need someone to show me around. You seem trustworthy enough. I choose you." He smiled.

"Wow, I'm so honored." Luke laughed sarcastically. "Fine. Meet me tomorrow in the front, thirty minutes before school starts. If you're late you're on your own." Mason nodded while Luke cleaned up his place and went to go meet Ashton.

He waited on Ashton's trunk of his car peacefully swinging his legs softly, until he heard footsteps dragging lightly against the pavement. He knew it was Ashton because he has a habit of dragging his feet sometimes. "How was it?" Luke asked. Ashton kissed his lips gently before answering. "Good. I really think that next years team will be really good."

"That's really good. They do have a good captain to put them on the right path." Luke nudged his side playfully. "Yeah they do." Ashton agreed jokingly. They got in his car and started to drive out of the parking lot. "Are you coming to mine?" He asked. "No. There's this new kid and I'm showing him around before school starts."

"I can still take you." Ashton insisted. "You have trouble waking up in the morning Ash. You need like ten alarms and me to wake you up. I don't want to be late." He explained which Ashton understood. "Alright."

When Ashton arrived at Luke's house, he parked momentarily so he could say bye. "Text me when you get to school tomorrow. Be careful too babe." Luke smiled at his protectiveness. "Will do and Ash, have you met me. I'm always careful. Bye." He smiled while giving him a quick peck.


Luke got there exactly 30 minutes before and Mason wasn't there, after waiting 5 minutes because he's impatient, Mason finally arrived. "You're late." He commented. "Only like six minutes. Come on."

Luke mostly showed him the classes on his schedule, but continued to show him anything else they walked by. He showed him the gym, the locker rooms, cafeteria, and his locker. They finished with only 5 minutes before school started, so Luke went to his locker and Mason went off somewhere.

"Who was that guy you were with?" Calum asked. "His name is Mason. He's new." He explained. "Wow. A new kid in March. Pretty late in the school year. Looks like he's already been contaminated." Calum pointed behind him. Alyce and Allie were already talking to him, trying to flirt, but all they were doing was twirling their hair around their finger. "I mean I can see why. He's attractive." He mentioned. Luke looked at him again and just couldn't see what Calum saw. He's not ugly, but he didn't find him attractive.

"What're you guys looking at?" Ashton spoke as he and Michael walked up to them. "The new kid. He's pretty cute don't you think?" Calum said to Michael, who agreed. "What do you think Ashton?" Michael asked. "Yeah a little bit." He answered then looked to Luke to find his answered. "I guess. Not my type though."

"Let me guess, the only type you like is Ashton." Michael asked. "Yeah. Pretty much." Luke laughed.

Ashton and Luke started walking to their first period, Calum and Michael walked to theirs. "You know you can say he's attractive. Just because I was there doesn't mean you can't say you find other guys attractive." Ashton spoke. "I know Ash. I know. But I just genuinely don't find him attractive. Like honestly. I don't know what it is, I just don't. Even if we weren't dating, I wouldn't find him attractive anyways." Luke spoke honestly. After walking Luke to his first period, Ashton walked to his, luckily it was in the same direction.

Luke was taking out his things he needed for that class when someone sat down next to him. "Hey." He spoke. He looked at who it was and flashed him a polite smile. "Hi Mason."

"What're you doing after school today?" He asked which Luke found a bit weird that he even asked in the first place. "I think I'm going to the library to do homework." Luke replied. "Perfect. I'll meet you there."

"Umm, I work better alone. Maybe next time and I could bring some friends too. The more the merrier right?" Now that was even more weird to Luke. He barely knew the guy and he already wants to hang out. Now he didn't want to go to the library just in case Mason tried to go and see him.

Fortunately the teacher walked in making them stop talking. When the bell rang he hurried to pack his things and go to his next class without Mason talking to him. Even better, Ashton was in his next class.

He figured he would watch the football team practice since Ashton always offers, but he usually declines so he can get his work done. This time, he won't decline. Calum should be there too, he usually waits after for Michael anyways.

Luke's current class was history which is his least favorite subject, he doesn't really pay attention throughout class, but he has Calum send him the notes later on. Luke always tried to sit next to the window in class only because most of his classes were boring so staring outside helped with his boredom.

However, his history teacher announced there was another project, which lead the class to groan, as usual, but this is one of the situations where he would listen and write stuff down.

Although, he couldn't concentrate because he kept looking out the window thinking someone was there when there wasn't anyone there. He swears he could've seen Big X again, but obviously he wasn't there. He lost his train of thought when he felt Ashton nudged his side, so he could continue to listen about the project and what he needed to do.

The bell rang just as the teacher finished explaining everything they needed to know about the project. "Luke are you okay? You've been acting weird lately." Ashton asked.

"Yeah I'm okay." He answered while packing up to get out of there. Ashton did the same, but he wasn't happy with that answer, so when they passed by a janitors closet he pulled them in.

"Luke, something is going on and you're not telling me. What is it? You acted like there was someone outside back there. There wasn't anyone there." He pointed out. Luke let out a sigh. "Okay, recently, I've been seeing Big X everywhere. Like obviously my mind is tricking me, but I don't know how to fix it."

"How long has it been going on?" Ashton asked which led to a shrug from Luke. "I've only noticed it recently. Maybe like twice."

"You could've told me Luke." He spoke with some sadness in his voice. "I know babe. I'm sorry. I really am, I just didn't want to tell you and have you worry when I didn't know if it was like a one time thing or not. I didn't want you to worry over nothing." Ashton nodded,"I understand that part. I do. But even if you think that, still tell me. I always love knowing what goes on in that smart head of yours." He smiled. "Will do Ash. Besides, it's been slowing down, I think as time it goes on, it fades." Luke smiled back as he kissed him sweetly. "Well that's good, but still. I would like to know."

Luke nodded with a small smile,"You got it."

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